Chapter 26~Rest Now~John's P.O.V.

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Maria grabs the knife and pulls it out, Seth moans. Maria grabs the cloth that she tore from her shirt and wraps it around Seth's stomach/back. "Okay." she says looking at me, and I release Jen and Korey. They turn around and see Seth wrapped, with the knife in Maria's hands. "Whoa, took the knife out and wrapped him up?" they say looking at Maria. She nods her head and stands up, "What?" she asks wiping the knife on her capris. Korey looks at me surprised, "What?" I ask. Korey shakes her head, "Nothing." she says. I go over and help Maria sit Seth back up in the corner. She grabs my hand and sits me down in another corner, "Rest..." she says. She goes over to Korey and Jen, she gives a nod to Korey, and a nod to Jen. Korey comes over and sits down on my right side, Jen goes to Seth and does the same, then rests her head on Seth's chest, "Night" she says. Maria comes over and sits down on the other side of me and smiles, Korey turns my head towards her and kisses me on the lips. "Night" she says resting her head on my chest. I look at Maria, she smiles and kisses my cheek, "Night, big brother." she says resting her head on my chest as well. I kiss the top of her head, "Night everyone." I say leaning my head against the corner, I hope Seth's gonna be okay, I close my eyes.

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