Chapter 32~The Plan~Seth's P.O.V.

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"We got a problem." John whispers in my ear. "She overheard some people talking...their gonna kill us Seth. Just us two." he whispers. Whoa, wait, what?!! "Are you sure?" I whisper, he nods. "But what will happen to them?" I whisper, he looks at the ground. "Depends, some would be prisoners and servants, and some.....killed." he whispers. I look at them staring at us and then I look back at John. "What're we gonna do?" I whisper. "We tell them that we're gonna distract the clan, Maria goes and gets them out of here, comes back and messes with a few things. You know like..people, and some mechanical things." he whispers. "Do we have a chance?" I whisper back. "For them yes, for us....maybe." Maria whispers. "Okay.....I'm in." I whisper. I look back at Hilary. I don't want my beautiful girl getting hurt, but I don't want to leave her. But John has to make it, Korey and the kids need him. My poor girl, I have to leave her, I love you so much baby girl.

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