Chapter 48~Thoughts~Korey's P.O.V.

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Today has been soooo much fun! Maria and John are telling everyone stories about when they were kids. Too bad I'm missing out on this story, but I have to use the bathroom. I get to John and I's bedroom and shut the door. You know, after everything today I'm really worn out. I get into the bathroom and shut the door. Yep! Today has just been one of the best days ever! It goes right next to John and I's wedding, the day's the kids were born, and the days we adopted Jen, Seth, and Hilary into the family. Just thinking about those days makes me feel so happy. I wash my hands and head back into the bedroom. But then a scary thought pops into my mind, what if Seth's stepbrother Eric, or.......or..........him..........escapes??? But that will never happen.....right??

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