Chapter 34~Goodbyes~Xavior's P.O.V.

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"Dad?" I whisper to him. He gets down on his knees, "Yeah Xav?" he whispers back. "Don't leave us." I whisper. He puts his hand on my shoulder, "Xav, listen to me, I'm not leaving you guys. I'm just gonna wait a bit before I meet up with you again. "Okay?" he whispers back. I hug him, "Okay." I whisper in his ear. "John." Maria says looking at dad, he nods, ruffles my hair, and gets up. Dad hugs Maria, "Be careful." he says. "I will." she says. Dad goes to Jen and hugs her, "Good luck." she says. Dad nods and goes to mom, "I love you Doggy." mom says crying as dad hugs her. "I love you too Kor." he says, they kiss, and let go. Alex and I run up and hug dad, "We love you daddy." we say. "I love you guys too. Now go with mom." he says. We do as he says, "I love you Seth." Hilary says hugging Seth. "I love you too baby." he says, they kiss, and Hilary comes over to us. "Bye." Seth and dad say. "Bye." we say. I turn around and Maria has the door open, HOW DID SHE DO THAT?! "Bye." she says and we begin to escape.

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