Chapter 20~Years~Maria's P.O.V.

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"I missed you all so much! I thought I'd never see you all again!" I say. I'm so happy, I thought that they were all dead! "Wait, if John's your older brother, and he's 37, how old are you?" Korey asks. "25" John and I say in unison. "Awe, you remembered!" I say looking at John. He comes over and hugs me, "Of course! I could never forget my lil' sis!" he says. " long have you been here?" Seth asks. Wow, um, I don't know how long. It's been about 17 years I guess. Considering I was right when John joined in with these people. "Are you okay?" Jen asks, everyone looks worried. "Oh, um, yeah. Sorry, I'm just trying to think. I guess I've been here for about 17 years." I say. "Wait! You never left?!" John asks upset. "No"

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