Chapter 6~Where's Seth?!~John's P.O.V.

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I open my eyes, I wonder what time it is? I look around, Korey is asleep on my good shoulder, she looks as if she cried her self to sleep. Jen's on the floor in the other corner, I look around more. Where's Seth?! Oh, no, they have Seth, I bet they're torturing, or murdering him right now. "Kor, Korey, wake up." I say shaking my good arm around. "Hmmm, what?" she says, "John! You're awake!" she's up now. "Yeah, where's Seth, did they take him?" I ask, she has a puzzled look on her face. "What do you mean? Seth is right...." she looks at Jen. She gets up and goes over, and wakes Jen up, "Hey, what happened? Where's Seth?!" she asks her. "What?" Jen begins to look around, "I don't know." she says. I try to get up, "Ahhh" I moan in pain. Korey rushes to me, "What's wrong, are you okay?!" she asks alarmed. "Yeah, I'm....." I begin, the cell door swings open, the men throw Seth in, and shut the door. They're gone now, and Jen and Korey are by Seth's side. "They used a whip on him!!" Jen says in shock. "He'll be okay. Don't worry." I say. "Are you sure?" Korey asks. "Yeah, Seth has gone through this before." I say. "The last thing I heard, was you whispering goodbye, and then I heard you flatline" Jen sings, beginning to cry.

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