Chapter 28~Introduction~ John's P.O.V.

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Where's Maria?! The door opens again and someone is thrown in. Hilary and the kids back up close to us. IT'S MARIA! The door shuts, "MARIA!!" I yell running to her. I roll her on to her back, "I tried....I really tried..." she says faintly. "Tried what?" Korey, Jen, and Seth ask. "To...get you guys...out of, here..." she answers. "No..." I whisper. "John...don't cry....I'm okay...really.." she says wiping the tears from one of my cheeks. I pick her up, "I'm here for you this time." I say trying to put her on her feet. She smiles and stands up, using my help at first. "Mom, who's that?" I the kids whisper. I look at them, and then at Maria. She goes halfway between Korey and I then stops. "You mean...I'm...I'm.." she begins. "An aunt." Korey and I finish her sentence. Alex walks over to Maria, "You mean you're my aunt?" she asks in disbelief. "Yep." I say walking over and putting my hand on Maria's shoulder. "Kids, and Hilary, meet my little sister!" I say. Their jaws drop and they look at me surprised.

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