Chapter 12~Truth Time~Korey's P.O.V.

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I get up and stand in front of the door. "Korey..." John begins, "And now I know it's not me it's you...." I sing. Jen comes over and joins me. "It's not me it's you.." we sing, Seth and John come over and join us as well. "And now I know it's not me it's you...." we all sing, Jen and I begin to laugh. John smiles and hugs me, "I love you Kor..." he says. "And I love you Doggy, just..." I say, he gives me a weird look. Jen and Seth are staring at me now, "Just what?" John asks looking panicked. "Just, I think we all need to spill our secrets. So we're prepared." I say walking over to a corner and sitting down. A look of relief shows on in his face. Jen sits down close to me, "I'm in.." she says. John and Seth look at each other, "Alright, me too." John says sitting down next to me. "Seth?" I say, he sits down in 'the corner of tortured names' as we call it, "Okay, I'm gonna have to at some point I guess..." he says. "Well, this is all my fault, so I'll go first." John says. "Oh Doggy, it's not your fault. They were gonna come for me, or Jen, or Seth, at some point." I say. "Yeah, Korey's right John. Don't blame yourself." Jen says. "Well, I'll go first anyway." John says. "But I want to go first!" Jen says laughing. "Alright, go ahead." John says smiling. "Well my brother was about 15 when he joined, and he got deeper and deeper into the whole mess. Well he kinda used me as a training tool, how else do you think I got these muscles?" she says holding up her arms. We smile a little, but we all feel bad for her. "My turn...." I say, "well I was kind of in my family. So I met this guy and we started dating. Well I found out later that he was apart of here, so I dumped him." I begin to see his laughing figure in my mind, I shiver. "I'm here Kor, I'll protect you." John whispers putting his arms around me. "Well, about a week later I started getting threats from him by mail, so I moved. Well a month later he found me.....and he......well........he kinda used me as a punching bag." I say, John looks me in the eyes, sorrow in his eyes. He holds me tighter, "My turn..." he says. "Well when I joined, caught up with alcohol. Most of the time I didn't know what I was doing, well after a year of joining I was promoted. I was the boss's, what you might call, lead man." John says. " couldn't be..." Seth says to himself with a frightened look on his face. He looks at John, "You were his lead man?!" he says now angry. "Yeah, afraid so..." John says. Seth gets up and faces the wall, John gets up and walks over to him. "Seth?" John says putting his hand on Seth's shoulder. "You...." Seth sounds really angry. He turns around and punches John, "SETH!" Jen and I yell getting up. "Seth....what...." John starts, Seth begins to punch him, kick him, but why?! "Seth!" I yell angry. I walk over and grab Seth's arm, he throws me against the wall. I make a sound when I hit the wall, I lay on the floor crying. John comes to me, "Korey...." he says worried, "I'm okay..." I say sitting up. Jen walks over to Seth and slaps his face. Seth looks back at us frightened, "I....I....I....." Seth stutters. "How could you?" Jen asks crying, she backs up and comes to me and John. Tears roll down Seth's face, "Do you know what it's like when you're scared to see yourself? Do you know what it's like..." Seth sings crying more, "I don't wanna feel like this tomorrow, I don't wanna live like this today." Seth faces the wall and falls to his knees. "I must confess that I feel like a monster" he starts singing Monster instead of Never Surrender. I get up, "Korey?" Jen and John say in unison. I go to Seth, I put my hand on his shoulder, "It's okay..." I say. He looks up at me, "I'm....sorry" he says in tears, "I didn't mean..." I cut him off. "I know.." I say.

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