Chapter 35~Escape~Maria's P.O.V.

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I begin walking down the hall in the camera's blind spot. "Walk exactly where I'm walking." I tell them. We get to the corner, nothing, good. I signal them to start walking again. We walk down the hall, "How far away is this exit?" Jen whispers. "Not far." I whisper back. We get to the end of the hall where there's a turn point, and a vent. I take the vent cover off, "Go." I whisper. Jen goes first, then Hilary, Xavior, Alex, Korey, and finally me. I put the cover back on from the inside, "Okay, go." I whisper. They start moving, we get to a turn, "Which way?" Jen asks. "Right." I tell her and we begin moving. "How much further?" Alex asks, "It's just right up here." I tell her. We get to the end of the vent, "Is anybody out there?" I ask Jen. "I don't see anyone." she says. "Then open it up and let's get out of here." I say. She does as I told her and one by one they get out. "Okay, hand me the vent cover." I say, and she gives it to me. "Okay, head that way." I say pointing forwards, "You'll find the police station, lead them back here. And don't forget to tell them about the clan." I say. "Okay, thanks." Jen says. "Take care of our husbands." Hilary says. I can't help but smile, "I will." I assure them. "Good luck." Korey says. "You too. Bye." I say. "Bye." they say and head for town.

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