1 month later, June 4th

Claire's POV

"What happened?" I ask. I wake up in the car and Ezra was driving faster than normal, I looked at the clock as it turns to 4:39am, it was dark out side.

"Its ok baby, we're almost at the hospital" Ezra says, he sounded scared. I look down and see I am sitting in water

"What's going on?" I ask, I was panicked now

"Your water broke, we could have our baby today" he says

"We aren't due till next week" I tell him

"I know, it's gonna be ok" he tells me and puts a hand on my stomach and I relax a little. I turn around and I see Zealand sleeping in the back and I smile.

Ezra carries me to the hospital and puts me in a wheelchair and picks sleeping Zealand up and my vision starts to go blurry as they rush me to the hospital room. 

I wake up in the bed and I see Ezra next to me, holding my hand and I cry

"Is she gonna be here?" I ask Ezra

"Soon, but she's only a week early, it won't harm her" Ezra says

"That's good" I say and they prepare me for labor.

Eileen comes in and hugs me. She dropped Neo off at her mom's house and came right before the birth. I pushed and pushed and eventually I heard the cries of my amazing little daughter. I cried as I heard her and I saw Zealand's face as he saw her and I smiled. They cleaned her off and Ezra cut the umbilical cord and handed her to me, she stopped crying when she was in my arms

"We've got ourselves a mama's girl" Ezra says and I laugh

"Well yeah, I didn't expect her to favor you" Eileen jokes and he frowns

"What's that supposed to mean" he crosses his arms

"Oh nothing" Eileen says and I laugh 

"She's precious" I say as I kiss her chubby little cheek

"Hold baby" Zealand says and I sit up

"Yes, you can hold her" I say, handing her to Ezra. Ezra puts the baby in Zealand's arms and I smile

"She's looking at you" Ezra says and Zealand smiles

"Cute baby" Zealand says

"She looks like daddy" I tell him "that's why she's so cute" I wink at Ezra

"She has your eyes though" Ezra says and I smile

"She has your lips and your nose" I add and he nods

"I love staring at her eyes though" Ezra says and I laugh

"Oh yeah?" I laugh

"Yeah, it's like staring into your eyes and I love it" Ezra says and I kiss his cheek

"So, does she have a name?" Eileen asks

"Yes, she does" I say, I look at Ezra 

"We would like to introduce you to..." Ezra starts and grabs my hand

"Haven Marie King" I say and Eileen smiles

"Just as beautiful and unique as Zealand's" she says and Ezra takes Haven from Zealand and hands her to Eileen "hi baby Haven, you're so cute" she coos at her.

My mom comes in the room shortly after with Alice and Scott. She hugs me and Eileen gives Haven to her

"I'm so sorry I'm late, the kids were sleeping and it was so unexpected and... " My mom says and I stop her

"Mom, it's fine, you came at a good time" I tell her and she smiles at Haven and rocks her

"Hey little princess" she says "did you already say her name?" She asks

"Yes" Ezra tells her

"Mom, meet little Haven Marie" I tell her and mom grabs her hand

"Well, that's a name fit for a princess" mom says and I smile

"That's what she is" I laugh "our little princess

"Don't worry, she'll be the queen in a few months" mom says "she's gonna own the house" she adds and winks at me

"Wouldn't doubt it" I say and Ezra kisses my head and I smile at him "our family is complete" 

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