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liked by eileenrivers12 and 54,731 others

_clairemarieking11 First date since Ezra's been gone... Hope things go well!


eileenrivers12 You're a queen! You're so pretty, he's gonna love you (and you'll love him😏)

     _clairemarieking11 I hope so!

The next day, June 20th

Claire's POV

I got dressed in a nice dress and some high heels. I did my makeup and hair and then I looked in the mirror

"I'm keeping my promise, Ezra, I'm moving on for you" I say, looking up "I miss you so much" I say as I feel a tear, but I couldn't ruin my night so I gently wiped them away.

I went down stairs. Zealand was putting on his shoes like I told him to, he really was the perfect son. I helped him put his coat on and picked Haven up who was crying and grabbing onto my leg.

"Get in the car, bubba" I tell Zealand as he ran outside to the car and opened the door and got in. I hugged Haven and wiped her tears "whats wrong princess?" I ask her and she wimpers. I kissed her cheek and she stopped and started putting her fingers by my mouth and laughed when I pretended to bite her "there's my happy girl" I smile and she giggles.

I get Haven in the car and buckled her and Zealand in. When we get to Eileen's mom's house, Haven was asleep, so I gently got her out of the car and gently placed her in Eileen's mom's arms. I bend down to Zealand and he grabs my hands

"Be a good boy ok?" I tell him and he nods

"Ok mommy, have a good night" he tells me and I kiss her head and smile

"Ok bubba" I laugh and he smiles

"I love you mommy" he hugs my neck and I hug him back. I let him go and he runs inside.

"Thanks again for watching the kids" I tell her and she hugs me

"They'll be fine, go, have fun with Nolan" she says and I hug back

"Ok" I say and get in my car and leave. 

I meet Eileen at the restaurant, she was already there and had a table, we just waited for our tardy dates. Eileen waved at two guys and they walked to our table and sat across from us. Based on what Eileen told me, Marcus was 21 and Nolan was 22. I was 19 almost 20, so we were pretty close in age I guess. 

"Sorry we're late, we were stopped by a train" Marcus says, I knew it was him based on how he looked at Eileen, so that means Nolan was the one sitting across from me. 

"That's ok, we just got here" Eileen lies, we were actually sitting here for about 10 minutes before they arrived.

"Oh good" Marcus says, Nolan was just looking at the table, he looked like he was sweating. Marcus looked over at him and shook him and pointed to me. He got close to his ear and whispered something like "talk to her, dude" and then got back to chatting with Eileen. Nolan looked at me, his eyes were very light blue, almost like an ocean blue

"Uh... Hi" he said, awkwardly

"Hey" I said back, I wasn't nervous at all btw

"You... You like seafood?" He asked me, he was trying to come up with conversation starters, which I guess would be a good one since we were at a seafood restaurant

"Yeah, I guess" I answer, fish wasn't my favorite food, but it was pretty good. He goes back to looking at the table

"Me too" he says not looking at me, Marcus elbows him in the arm 

"Come on man, talk to her" he says "get it together" 

"Its fine" I say "really, it's ok" I assure and Marcus looks at me, then at Nolan

"Just get to know her" Marcus tells him "give her a chance" 

"It might help if they were alone, just the two of them" Eileen tells Marcus and I stare at her

"You promised" I whisper 

"It might help" she tells me "we'll go to the next booth" she stands up and I sigh 

"Alright" I tell her and she grabs her purse and they move to the booth behind us. I grab the menu and look it over and Marcus does the same. It was silence for a few minutes then Nolan speaks up

"Do you want to order something now?" he asks, there was a shake in his voice

"Give me a second" I say and he nods and looks over his menu again, then he drops it

"I'm sorry, I just got out of a relationship" he confesses "I'm just really not good at talking to girls" he sighs

"I think you're doing ok" I tell him and he smiles

"Really?" He asks and I nod

"Yeah, I just lost my husband recently and it's been tough, you're the first guy I've dated since then" I confess and he looks back down

"Oh, I'm sorry" he says in a quiet time "if it's too early, just say the words and we can..." He starts, but I put a hand on his

"No, it's ok" I say and let go of his hand "I missed the feeling of going on dates, I really do like you" I tell him and he smiles 

"I like you too, that's why I'm so nervous... I mean you're so pretty, I don't know how to act" he says and I blush

"Thank you" I smile " you're not too bad yourself" I add, which makes him giggle

"So... What do we do now?" He asks and I shrug

"Ready to order?" I ask and he smiles

"Yeah, are you?" He asks and I nod

"I am now" I say which makes him smile bigger.

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