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_clairemarieking11 I love you two more than anything in the whole world! God truly blessed me with wonderful miracles! Merry Christmas


eileenrivers12 Merry Christmas

1 month later, December 25th

Claire's POV

"Wake up Mommy!" Zealand comes running into my room and shakes me awake "Santa came"

"What time is it?" I ask him, like he would know. I look at the time "Zealand it's only 6:00"

"Come on Mommy" he pulls on my bedsheets and grabs my hand "there are presents for me and sissy" he says

 "Give me a second Z" I tell him and he runs away "and don't wake sissy" I yell as he runs down the stairs. 

I get dressed and go to Haven's room where she is just waking up. She starts fussing

"Hi princess" I say as she lifts her arms up to me. She was starting to cut teeth. I put her on my hip and brought her downstairs to the living room. Zealand was trying to find his name on the presents "look at all the presents, Haven" 

I showed the box with her name on it and gave it to her. She immediately put it in her mouth and I helped her open it. It was a teether toy. She needed one of those.

"Mommy, look!" He showed me a dinosaur toy he got that roared. He turned it on and it roared loudly and scared Haven

"Zealand, let's turn that off so we don't scare sissy" I tell him and he nods and turns it off. 

When all the presents were opened. I packed my mom's present in the car and we drove over to her house. When we got there, Zealand grabbed his present for mom and I helped him out and grabbed Haven's carseat. Mom opened the door

"Merry Christmas" she yells and Zealand hugs her and shows off her present.

"Look grandma" he says "I got you a present" 

"I see" Mom says and looks at Haven "aw, what a precious little sweetheart" she pinches her cheeks and Haven squeals. I give her to Mom and I take the presents inside the house. Alice and Scott come to the door and hug Zealand 

"Merry Christmas Zee!" Alice says and Zealand laughs

"Merry Christmas Ally" Zealand says and kisses her

"Zealand loves his Aunt Ally" I tell her and she wipes his kiss away

"I love him too, just not his slobber" Alice says

"Can I hold Haven?" Scott asks. I nod and he sits on the couch and I give Haven to him. He coos at her and she giggles. 

We sit around and talk and I play with Alice and Scott while Mom made Christmas brunch. Zealand was hungry before lunch, so Mom made him a PB&J... Grandma's always spoil their grandkids. 

Mom makes us ham and mashed potatoes for lunch and we happily eat together. Zealand makes a mess as usual and so does Haven with her potatoes. 

After brunch, we have mom open our gifts. I let Zealand give Mom hers first

"This is from me and Haven" Zealand says and Mom opens it

 "Aw, it's so cute" she says "it's an ornament with your fingerprint" she hugs Zealand and kisses Haven's head "I love you two so much" she says and Zealand smiles 

"I love you too Grandma" Zealand says "open mommy's" he points to my gift and I hand it to her

"Zealand helped me pick it out and he signed the card" I tell her and she opens it

"Aw, a coffee mug that says 'world's best grandma and mama" she reads and I smile "thank you, I feel so loved" she says and hugs me and Zealand

"Glad you like it" I say and she nods

"I love it" she adds and Zealand gives her a kiss on the cheek

"I love you Grandma" he says 

"I love you guys so much" she kisses his head.

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