​​​​​​​Moments later

Claire's POV

I blacked out. I woke up to the paramedics taking Ezra away. I saw a bullet wound in his chest and they were trying to stop the bleeding.

"Stop!" I yelled and I held Zealand close to my chest. He was still awake and he was very quiet. I couldn't move. I was paralyzed and could barely breathe. I watched they take my husband away from me. He sacrificed his life... For me. 

They gave me an oxygen mask to help me breathe and all I could do was cry as they took Ezra away. They took Zealand from me and set me on the stretcher and put me in the ambulance. 

I blacked out again. I woke up at the hospital and a nurse came in to the room.

"What happened?" I ask as I hold my head that was pounding "how long was I out?" I ask

"About 30 minutes" she tells me "how are you feeling?" She asks

"My head hurts, but I'm fine" I tell her and she nods "how is Ezra?" I ask

"He's in surgery" the nurse tells me 

"Is he gonna be ok?" I panicked

"I don't know, but we'll do everything we can" she says "do you need anything?" She asks

"My son, where is he?" I ask

"He's right outside, I'll bring him in" she says "there are some guests that would like to see you also" she adds and leaves the room. I see Zealand run into the room and jump on the bed and he hugs me tight

"Mommy!" He yells as I laugh 

"I'm right here" I tell him and he kisses me all over and I smile "I missed you baby" I tell him and he nods

"Me too mommy" he says and I watch Eileen walk in with Haven in her carseat

"Aw, my baby" I say, Eileen sets the carseat on the bed and takes Haven out of it "thank you so much Eileen, I couldn't ask for a better best friend" I say, tearing up

"She's been very good, although, she's not eating very much and I was hoping that was normal" Eileen says, handing Haven to me

"The doctor said it was ok for now" I say, holding my baby girl, I kissed her head as she cooed. I looked at Eileen

"Is Ezra ok?" I ask

"I don't know, I didn't get to see him before surgery" she tells me "I'm sorry"

"Its ok, I really hope he'll make it" I tell her "he sacrificed his life for mine" I add

"Mommy, is daddy ok?" Zealand asks and I kiss his head

"I don't know, Z, I hope so" I tell him. The nurse comes back in and looks at me with tears in her eyes. I knew that was a bad sign.

"Ezra just come out of surgery" she tells me "he is alive right now..." She stopped "I'm so sorry, we did everything we could, but his wounds were too severe and he won't make it much longer" she says. I nearly choked, I couldn't believe my ears

"Can I see him?" The only words I could get out. She nods

"Of course" she tells me and Eileen takes Haven from me and the nurse helps me out of bed. I help Zealand off the bed and I grab his hand. We walk to Ezra's room and we go inside to see him sleeping in the bed. He looked terrible, it was all my fault. I run over to him and hug him tight, hoping I would never have to leave.

"Please wake up" I say, I was bawling "wake up" I say again. He opens his eyes a little bit and I gasp

"What?" He asks "what's going on?" He sounded very weak and tired

"You're... You're dying" I told him, I couldn't get the words out

"I... Really" he asks, I look into his eyes, they were black and blue around the eyeball

"Yes, you saved me... And Zealand" I tell him "thank you" I smile and he smiles back

"I couldn't let you get shot, I love you both too much" he says and I grab his hand

"I love you too" I say. Zealand comes over to us and I put him on the bed and he hugs Ezra carefully... He knew Ezra was hurt

"Daddy sick?" He asks

"Yeah, but you stay strong buddy because daddy loves you so much" Ezra tells him and Zealand nods

"I love you daddy" Zealand says and kisses Ezra's cheek

"I love you more little dude" Ezra says and Zealand smiles

"No, I love you more" Zealand says

"I love you the most" Ezra decided to argue with the 3 year old

"I love you most" Zealand tells him and Ezra rolls his eyes

"Ok, you win Zealand" he says and Zealand puts his head on Ezra's chesr. It was quiet for a moment until Zealand sits up

"Daddy?" Zealand starts "are you gonna leave me?" He asks and I start crying again

"Hey, I'm not going anywhere" Ezra tells him "I'm right here" he smiles and Zealand smiles back

"Are you coming home with us?" Zealand asks, Ezra looks at me

"I... I don't know buddy, but I'll always be with you because I love you so much" Ezra reminds him

"I love you so much Daddy" Zealand says

"Not this again" Ezra laughs

"Ok Daddy" Zealand smiles and lays his head on Ezra's chest again. Ezra looks at Eileen, who was holding Haven

"Oh, my baby, bring her here" Ezra says. Eileen brings Haven to Ezra and Ezra strokes her head "hey sweetheart" he says in a calming voice "I love you baby girl" he kisses her little hand and smiles "you be a good girl for daddy ok?" He adds

"She's just like her daddy" I remind him and he smiles "she'll be the best baby girl ever" I tell him 

"I hope so" Ezra says "I won't be there to watch her grow up" he starts crying "she won't have a daddy" he says

"Don't say that" I start crying "you'll always be her daddy" I tell him

"Babe, promise me you'll find someone new when I... When I die" he says, he was serious "they need a father figure" he adds

"I... I can't replace you" I tell him

"You have to, I don't want you to be alone" he says

"I'm not alone, I have you and Eileen" I remind him "you can't expect me to move on" I cry

"Maybe not so fast, but you have to move on, it's what I want" he begs

"O... Ok, I'll try for you" I promise him and he grabs my hands 

"I love you so much" he says and kisses my cheek and then he lays back down. He strokes Zealand's hair as Zealand lays still as ever. He knew what was happening and that scared me. I never wanted Zealand to have to go through this, I can't imagine what he's going through right now. 

I watch Ezra's breath weaken and I watch as he closes his eyes for the last time. 

"I love you guys so much" he whispers as I watch him breathe his last breath through tears. 

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