Ch 2 | Attempted Murder

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Y/N's POV:

"Are you... Kim Seokjin?"

"Yeah, but can we talk about that later?" he pants, clutching his shirt so tightly his knuckles are white.

"Oh shit," you gasp, returning your attention to his leg.

"Fuck!" he exclaims, biting into his lip so hard it bleeds while you continue to search for his femoral artery.

"Jin," you say frantically, "take my jacket that's next to you and bite into it. It'll help."

He immediately grabs your heavy white winter coat that's already splattered with blood, taking your clean sleeve and stuffing it between his teeth.

"Don't you fucking dare die on me," you say shakily. "An idol is not allowed to die in my home."

"I'm working on it," he huffs through the fabric.

"Oh my god," you gasp, making Seokjin scream again but as you press your thumb against his bone the bleeding stops spewing everywhere.

"I found it," you exhale, looking back up at Jin's tear stained face. Almost your whole front side is splattered with his blood at this point. "Don't move. I don't have to dig around anymore, I stopped the bleeding."

You can tell he's in so much pain he's beginning to hyperventilate, which is only going to up his heart rate and make his blood pump faster.

"Kim Seokjin," you say sternly, feeling the adrenaline pump back through you. "Look at me."

He opens his eyes back up but just barely, trying to gasp for air. You lean forward and begin taking deep, slow breaths and say, "Mimic me."

He tries to control his breathing but it doesn't work very well.

"Jin, you're going to be fine," you say calmly, even though you're absolutely panicked inside. "I'm not going to let anything happen to you. That awful girl can't hurt you anymore."

Your reassurance seems to somehow allow him to catch a small breath as he continues to look into your eyes.

"That's it," you smile warmly, slowly letting your chest rise and fall. "Breathe in through your nose and out through your mouth. I'm right here."

You both spend a few minutes doing breathing exercises before Jin is finally able to calm down and stop biting into your coat.

"What's your name?" he asks shakily.

"I'm [Y/N]."

"[Y/N], I'm getting cold," he says quietly. The pain and vulnerability in his voice makes your throat tighten. Jin has always been so strong in all the content you've seen him in — it's weird seeing him so broken.

"It's okay, that's normal," you assure him. "If you can, pull my coat over your upper half."

He obediently slides your heavy winter jacket over his torso as he shivers, wincing slightly when he moves his thigh a little. You watch his eyes start to flutter like he's going to pass out.

"No no no," you say angrily. "Don't you dare. Stay awake. Stay with me Jin."

"I'm so tired," he mumbles so quietly you can barely hear it.

"I know you are," you panic, watching the color leave his face. "Jin look at me."

His glazed over eyes meet yours again and you begin to ask him random questions to keep him awake. You can tell he's fighting his hardest to stay alert and you need to distract him.

"You have to talk to me, okay?" you say to him. "Since I'm saving your life, can you give me some spoilers for the next album?"

He snorts just slightly. "Sure," he huffs. "But I'm only going to tell you about my songs. Those are the only ones that matter."

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