Ch 33 | Body Temperature

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Y/N's POV:

Your eyes slowly flutter open to find a wide open field with beautiful green grass and clear blue skies. The field is calming and quiet with a warm summer breeze washing over your skin. Something moves out of the corner of your eye and your heart jumps up to your throat when you see a surprise visitor.

"Granny Soo-ah," you choke out, tears immediately spilling from your eyes.

Your grandma stands just a few feet in front of you with her short and curly permed brown hair. She's got on a pretty white dress that extends all the way to the ground and her short and round stature make her look like home.

"Hey kiddo," she smiles, wrapping you up in a bear hug as you jump into her arms. "You look so pretty, it's been a long time."

"I missed you so much," you cry into her shoulder. She gently strokes your hair as you sob, waiting for you to calm down.

"I missed you too," she smiles. "How have you been?" There's a warm smile across her lips as she pulls back to look at your face.

"I've been goo-"

The wind gets knocked out of you as memories come coursing into your mind, each one piercing through your chest like one bullet after another. Fear and pain wash over you like crashing waves, making your knees buckle beneath you.

"Kiddo?" she says nervously, collapsing down to the ground with you. "What's wrong?"

"Granny," you pant, clutching your chest as tears fall down your face. "I haven't been good. I've been so miserable and I don't want to do it anymore."

"Do what?"


Her eyes widen as she looks down at you. She remains silent as you start sobbing into your palms. You feel her gentle hand beginning to stroke your back and you fall into her lap, gripping her white dress so hard your knuckles turn the same color.

"It's okay, kiddo," she says softly, giving you some time to catch your breath. "I know. I've been with you every step."

Your weary eyes look up at her and it takes everything you have not to start sobbing again. She's looking at you the same way she did when your parents passed. Full of love and adoration, but there's also a deep sadness behind her eyes.

"I want to go with you," you say shakily, clutching onto her frail body. "I want to go where you and mom are."

"I can take you there," she says softly. "But I don't think it's what you actually want."

"Why wouldn't I want to go with you?" you sob. "I don't have anything left down there."

"Are you sure about that?"

"Of course I'm sure," you say sternly, remembering all the pain you've been through. "All anyone ever does is hurt me and leave me down there."

Your grandmother cups your cheeks to make you look into her eyes. "I'm asking if you're one hundred and ten percent sure."

"What do you mean?" you whimper, gripping her wrists. "If you've always been with me then you saw it. Even Seokjin abandoned me. The whole world abandoned me."

"Are you one hundred and ten percent sure?" she asks again, her eyes boring straight into yours. "Are you ready to leave him without saying goodbye?"

Your breath hitches when you think of Jin sobbing in the wine cellar, begging you not to leave him. "B-but he lied to me."

"He did," she nods, smoothing her thumb over your soaked cheeks. "Are you willing to throw away everything you've built with him over a lie you haven't even asked him about?"

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