Ch 42 | Regret

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Y/N's POV:

"It's nice to meet you," your temporary restaurant manager says to you. "I'm Kim Moon."

"Likewise," you grin, meeting his handshake. "Thank you for filling in, you've been a huge help."

"It's no problem at all, your staff is amazing," he chuckles.

Moon is definitely a sight for sore eyes. He's tall and slender with a beautiful smile. His dark brown hair is probably about shoulder length but he has it tied up in a bun, and his eyes are kind, reminding you of Namjoon's. He looks like he's somewhere around Ji-Ho's age, maybe mid thirties.

"Just let me know if you need anything, Miss [Y/N]," he smiles warmly. "Mr. Song informed me of your medical condition so if you need help at all, I'm always here."

"Thanks, Moon," you say, picking up a plate of fresh salmon. "And just call me [Y/N], no need to be formal."

You head towards the customer's table to set their food down. It's Thursday and you're happy to be back at work, even if you're swamped. Normally you can memorize any order without hesitation but since you're still suffering short term memory loss you make sure to write every order down.

It's already the dinner rush and you're basically running back and forth taking orders, making small conversation with your regulars, and also taking photos with a few Army who booked a table just to meet you. Serving Army is your favorite because they're always so kind and tip really well. Makes sense, because Army has to have a decent amount of money to afford keeping up with all the BTS merch getting released.

Moon is incredibly capable, but you're not surprised since Mr. Song only hires the best. The rest of the staff love him and you're thinking about keeping him full time as your assistant. He's slightly older than you but is still considered young in the restaurant industry. It would benefit the both of you for him to stay on and learn more about what it takes to be a lead restaurant owner.

"Thank you so much for coming," you smile warmly, bowing to the table of ten that are finally leaving. They ordered lots of food and tipped really well, so you're grateful for their business, but having such a large party is exhausting.

You're about to turn back to check on your tables when you see a familiar face walking up the stairs.

"Fucking seriously?" you groan to yourself, walking towards the hostess stand. "I'll seat them," you smile at Mia, one of your new employees.

"Miss [Y/N]!" Hyun beams, sprinting to you once he's through the doors.

"Hey cutie," you grin, kneeling down to give him a big hug. You let him go and slowly eye his father up and down behind him. Ji-Ho looks incredible as usual, sporting a tan collared sweater and black pants with his hair styled loosely over his forehead.

"Hey," he smiles shyly, fully aware of your distaste

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"Hey," he smiles shyly, fully aware of your distaste. "Don't worry, I made a reservation just like everyone else."

You had a feeling he was going to show up since one of the reservations for 7pm only said "Lee, party of 2." After suspiciously eyeing him up and down a few times you let out a long sigh, grabbing a regular menu and a kids menu.

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