Ch 49 | Strawberries

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Author's POV:

Flashback: 24 hours ago

"Jin-hyung?!" Taehyung yells, falling down to the floor next to Seokjin. "What happened? What's wrong?" Tears are pouring down his face as he stares at his phone screen.

V picks up the phone and starts the video over, getting more nauseous each second he watches. "Is that your brother?"

Jin leans back against the back of the couch, silently nodding as he stares blankly at his lap. "I really am the cause of all [Y/N]'s suffering," he whispers.

"Hyung, this isn't your fault," Tae says sternly, gripping his shoulder.

"How many times do I have to hear that?" he chuckles with no emotion, shaking his head. "How many times do I have to be reassured that I'm not the problem, then turn around and make her miserable again? It's about time I stop deluding myself."

"Have you talked to your brother yet?"

"No," he exhales. "I don't know what I would say."

"Just call him," Tae says, squeezing his shoulder again. "Have him come over and explain things. Let's not assume anything just from this one small video clip."

Seokjin nods and takes a deep breath before slapping his cheeks a few times to motivate himself. He takes his phone back from Taehyung and dials up his brother.

"Hey, Seokjin," his brother answers. "What's up?"

"What are you doing right now?"

"I'm out shopping for mom's birthday," he answers. "Are you good?"

"Yeah, I just wanted to see if you could come over and hangout."

"Ah, no thanks," he sighs, making Seokjin's throat tighten. "I don't want to disturb you and the missus."

Jin's also just now realizing Sung-ho's never had the guts to say your name out loud.

"She's not here, she'll be out the rest of the day."

"Oh, really?" he asks, sounding relieved. "Then sure, I'll head over. I'm about fifteen minutes away."

"Sounds good, see you then," Jin forces out before hanging up.

"Let's not panic until we get all the information," Taehyung smiles, giving Seokjin the tiniest bit of hope that this is all some sort of misunderstanding.

"Hey," Dal says breathlessly, sprinting through the door. "Sena texted me, are you okay?"

"Not particularly," Seokjin snorts, pushing himself up off the floor. "Did you know my brother was involved?"

"I swear I didn't," he shakes his head, helping Seokjin stand up. "All I knew was that Ji-Ho was trying to get her transferred but it needed to be kept under wraps. He'd mentioned there was someone pretty powerful he was trying to avoid but I assumed it was the judge."

"Fuck," Jin breathes out shakily into his palms. "This cannot be happening."

"Like I said," Taehyung says with his hands on his hips. "Don't freak out until after you talk to him. Maybe it's a similar situation to JK and Yoongi-hyung, he was just sad and scared."

"This isn't just a slap on the face," Seokjin grimaces, remembering the cuts and bruises all over your body. All the nightmares he had to wake you up from. The way you still flinch sometimes when something startles you. "This was premeditated, not a knee jerk reaction."

"I know, man," Tae sighs. "I'm just trying to calm you down. Your brother has a temper and attacking him will backfire. You need to ask him about it calmly."

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