Ch 73 | Fallen

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Y/N's POV:

"As expected, the test is negative," Dr. Choi says, handing your chart to her nurse. "It could be a false negative, it's only been fourteen days since possible conception. The best way to make sure is to wait for your period."

You nod, keeping your eyes down and doing your best to fight back your lunch. Seokjin's hand smooths over your back, but the two of you stay silent. One thousand emotions are coursing through you, but the most prominent one is anxiety.

"Stay away from alcohol, caffeine, and fish for the next few days," Dr. Choi continues, placing her hand on your knee. "And you can continue your daily anxiety medication but avoid the Xanax."

"Okay," you say quietly, balling your hands into fists against your thighs.

"We'll discuss options on how to proceed next week," she smiles softly. "Let's set an appointment for Monday morning regardless. Possibly to discuss a pregnancy but hopefully it'll just be a simple conversation about getting on birth control."

She receives another silent nod from you, and Seokjin gives her a weak smile when she glances at him. You're glad the test showed negative, because now you at least have some hope you're not pregnant. But all the signs point to it — your mood swings, your cramps, your nausea, and your fatigue. You're not keeping your hopes high.

"All we can do is wait," Seokjin says, wrapping his arm around your shoulder before pressing his lips to your temple. "Let's not stress about it, okay?"

"How am I supposed to not stress about it?" you ask shakily. "Everyone knows I'm not stable enough to be a mother. Hell, I'm still being medicated for my anxiety."

"Many mothers are on SSRI's," Dr. Choi says warmly, standing up to wash her hands. "But I understand what you mean. I know you've had a tough year. Does Eunji know?"

"Not yet," you shake your head. "You were our first stop."

"I can tell her if you'd like," she says. "You signed off on me sharing your records but I don't know if you'd rather it come from me or yourself."

"You can send it," you answer, finally looking up into her eyes. "She's going to ask me if I'm okay and that's the last thing I want to be asked right now."

"Noted," she chuckles. "I'll fill her in, but I can't guarantee she won't try to reach out."

"I'll call her tomorrow," Seokjin smiles. "Thanks for fitting us in last-minute."

"Anything for my favorite patients," she laughs. "Don't tell anyone else I said that though."

"I'm definitely telling Dal," you grin, making both hers and Seokjin's shoulders relax. You can tell Jin's been worried about your mental state. You were silent the entire ride here, hardly speaking at all no matter who tried talking to you. This is the first time you've opened your mouth in the last thirty minutes, and they're both relieved to see a small smile.

After the nurse logs your Monday appointment into the computer, you and Seokjin head out into the hall where Dal is waiting. As soon as he sees you he springs up from his seat.

"Negative," Seokjin says before he can ask. "But she reiterated it could be a false negative so now we just wait."

"That's still good news," Dal says, taking your hand in his. You're keeping your gaze on the ground because you have a sinking feeling you'll cry if you look into either of their eyes.

"Don't let her take any additional anxiety meds," Seokjin tells him. "And keep her away from alcohol, caffeine, and fish."

"Got it," he nods. "Come on, we don't need to be in a hospital any longer. Let's get you guys home."

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