Ch 32 | Promises

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Author's POV:

"Merry Christmas!" Jin says cheerily, swinging open your front door.

"Why're you so loud so early in the morning?" Taehyung scowls, nestling himself more into Ana's side. They clearly both just woke up and are drinking tea on the couch together.

"Well, it's 9am," Jin snorts. "I think this is a very reasonable time to be awake. Is [Y/N] upstairs?"

"Not unless you teleported her there," Ana laughs, taking a sip of her green tea.

"What do you mean?"

"Why would [Y/N] be upstairs when she was with you last night?"

The room gets very still as Ana and Jin lock eyes and almost telepathically know something is wrong.

"Wait, she was with you, right?" Taehyung asks nervously.

"No," Jin answers with his brows furrowed down. "She's spent the last few nights with you so when I didn't hear from her I figured you two were sleeping together again."

"You're fucking with me, right?" Ana says angrily, standing up on her feet.


"I've been with this idiot the last three nights," she grits through her teeth, pointing at V. "I thought [Y/N] was with you."

All the blood drains from Seokjin's face, and Ana's does the same after seeing his reaction.

"If she wasn't with either of you, where has she been sleeping?" Taehyung asks.

"Fuck," Ana panics, pulling out her phone to dial your number. A wave of nausea rushes over her when your phone goes straight to voicemail. "Seokjin why the fuck would she stay with me and not you on Christmas Eve?"

"I-I don't know," he says shakily. "I was just trying to make it to today so we could tell her everything. It's been killing me."

"Fucking hell," Ana groans, dialing up another number. "Chae, have you heard from [Y/N] lately?" Jin nervously taps his foot up and down, trying not to freak out too quickly. "Ah, no, she's fine," she lies, not wanting to panic Chaewon. "I just heard she wanted to hangout with us girls soon so I was curious when you're free. Yeah, yeah. Send me your schedule."

V and Jin start calling up the other members and Mr. Song, but they get no luck until Jungkook answers.


"Jungkook," Jin says frantically. "Have you seen [Y/N] lately?"

"I saw her yesterday when she grabbed me and Namjoon-hyung a bottle of wine from her restaurant, but I haven't seen her since then. Why?"

"What time was that?"

"I don't know," JK answers, "maybe around one?"

"And that was at her restaurant, right?" Jin asks, pulling his keys from his pocket as Ana and Taehyung throw on their coats, not bothering to change out of their pajamas. "Okay, thanks. We can't get a hold of her so let me know if you hear from her."

"She was acting a little strange yesterday."

"How so?"

All three of them step into the elevator shaft to head for the garage.

"Well..." he pauses. "I don't know how to explain it. She just seemed kind of down. Namjoon and I both noticed but we didn't want to pry. She didn't look like she wanted to talk about it."

"Fuck," Ana says with tears in her eyes. The phone against Jin's ear is loud enough for the other two to hear.

"Did she say anything?"

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