Ch 8 | Stones

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Author's POV:

Flashback: 2 days ago

"Hyung," Seokjin hears softly from a distance. He tries to look around but all he can see is darkness.

"Hyung," he hears again, but it's from a different voice. "Wake up. Open your eyes."

A small streak of light flashes across his vision as his eyelids flutter, trying to find the strength to open them all the way. His senses begin to return and the voices are closer now. He feels the soft fabric under his back and legs, and the smooth polyester positioned under his head. The hairs on his arms rise as a fan blows cool air over his body.

"I'll be waiting for you, okay? So make sure you wake up quickly."

Jin's lids snap open as your voice plays in his mind, your beautiful face clear in his head as he tries to focus his eyes.

"Hyung," he hears to his left, making his groggy eyes travel over to a familiar fluffy haired man whose eyes are red, puffy, and wet with tears.

"Tae," he whispers. "Why are you crying?"

"Hyung, I'm so sorry," he cries, gripping Jin's hospital gown.

He blinks a few times to get his bearings before scanning across the room. All of the BTS members are present but there's one face missing that he really wants to see.

"Mr. Kim," a woman smiles down at him. "I'm Dr. Choi and I'm going to run a few tests, is that okay?"

Jin nods as the doctor proceeds to ask him some standard questions and take a few vials of blood.

"Do you know where you are?" she asks him, shining her pen light into each of his pupils.

"Samsung Medical Center."

"Do you know what happened to you?"

"I was stabbed by my psychotic ex fiancé."

Jin flinches as he hears a loud thud from the corner of the room. Turning his head he finds Jungkook weeping on his knees, gripping his shirt as tightly as he can. Jin's eyes shift up to find an equally distraught Yoongi who can't seem to make eye contact with him.

"Was there anyone who came here with me?" Jin frowns, still scanning his eyes around the room for you. "She told me she'd be here when I woke up."

His brows furrow as the room remains silent, making him stir uncomfortably in his spot. He can tell there's something wrong but he's still a little too groggy to pinpoint the reason.

"Where's [Y/N]?" he asks more directly. "She's the one who saved me. Is she still here?"

Jin immediately feels the atmosphere shift as soon as your name rolls off his tongue.

"Mr. Kim," Dr. Choi says softly. "Just let me finish up here really quickly so they can expl-"

"Did I suffer a head injury?" he asks her.

She purses her lips before answering. "No you didn't."

"Then why are you asking me questions related to my memory?"

He watches as the whole room shifts on their feet. He glances at Namjoon and notices that his black hair isn't as short anymore, it's grown quite a bit.

There's definitely something they're not telling me.

"Are none of you going to tell me where [Y/N] is?" he asks angrily. "I owe her my life. I don't know what I'm supposed to think when no one will answer me."

He's a little irritated you aren't here when you promised you would be.

"Hyung," Namjoon says shakily, stepping up to the end of his bed. "She's not here. She hasn't been for a while."

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