Ch 79 | Precious

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Y/N's POV:

Hot shower water drips down your body, which would normally make you feel amazing, but right now you can't feel anything other than shock as more blood oozes from between your legs.

Your period came.

Around 7am you were jolted awake from that familiar yet uncomfortable sensation downstairs. Seokjin stayed asleep as you sprinted to the bathroom, yanking down your pajama shorts to find one of your favorite pairs of granny panties a complete mess. Before you could even form a thought you jumped into the shower and you've been in here for at least thirty minutes, just staring down at your stomach.

Last night, you'd basically come to terms with the fact you might be a mom. Then this morning you woke up just for your body to let you know you're not pregnant. Very not pregnant, considering how heavy the flow is.

After a few more minutes of soaking in the warm water, you wash yourself up and step out to dry off. You quickly grab the feminine products from under the sink and take care of things before slipping back into Seokjin's t-shirt and your pajama shorts. The underwear is beyond repair, but you almost don't even want to throw them away from how shocking the sight is.

You decide to toss them in the bin anyways, just because you're aware men don't particularly like to see that stuff. Stepping back into the room you're surprised to see Seokjin awake and scrolling on his phone. He usually comes to join you in the shower when you wake up before him.

His eyes snap up when he sees you and he gives you a warm smile, making your heart do a backflip. "Good morning, Bug. How're you feeling?"

You just stand there and blink at him, unable to form any words. You're not sure what kind of look is on your face but he apparently doesn't take it as a good thing.

"What's wrong?" he asks nervously, sitting up straighter. "Did you throw up?"

"No," you say quietly, looking down at your body. Your hand smooths over your stomach and the relief hits as soon as you say it out loud. "I'm not pregnant."

His brows furrow as you look back up at him. Tears well in your eyes from a mixture of emotions and his jaw slacks as he processes what you're saying. "Did you get your period?"

You give a small nod before bursting into tears, feeling relieved, happy, sad, and everything in between. He springs off the bed and swallows you into his arms, holding you as tightly as he can. "Oh my god," he exhales, smoothing his hand over your hair. "Bug, are you sure?"

"Definitely sure," you choke out, burying your face into his shoulder and soaking his skin. Your hands grip the muscles on his back as you try to control your breathing. "It's heavy. I'm not pregnant."

A few tears of relief flow down his cheeks as well, the both of you holding each other as you try to let the information sink in. His lips press gently to the top of your head over and over again as you both cry, letting out ten years of stress.

After a few minutes Seokjin pulls back to cup your cheeks in his hands, smoothing his thumbs over your skin to wipe the tears. "Are you okay?" he asks softly.

"I think so," you nod. "This is just insane. I really thought I was pregnant. I've been an absolute disaster emotionally, even more so than usual."

"Anyone would have a hard time after everything you've been through," he smiles warmly, pressing a kiss to your forehead. "I actually think you've handled things better than a lot of other people would've."

"That's a terrifying thought," you chuckle, gripping his wrists as he holds your face. "I just can't believe this. It's going to be a while before it sinks in."

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