Ch 64 | In Love

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Y/N's POV:

"Jesus," you sniffle, looking at your puffy eyes in the mirror. "I'm fucking miserable."

"I'm sorry, Bug," Seokjin frowns, handing you a tissue. "Is it like this every year?"

"No, not at all," you sigh before wiping your nose with the Kleenex. "I usually don't get allergies like this."

"I have some allergy meds in my bag if you need some," Hana smiles, setting her makeup kit down on your bathroom counter.

"God, you are an angel," you groan, pinching the bridge between your eyes.

"Are you sure you're okay to go?" Seokjin asks, massaging the back of your neck. "We can reschedule."

"I'm fine," you assure him, already feeling better just by his hands relieving some of the pressure in your head. "I don't want to cancel on your mom again."

Your head is pounding so hard your eyes are watering but you have to get over it. It's Sunday, the day you and Seokjin are supposed to meet his parents for his mom's rescheduled birthday dinner. Hana is here to cover up the purple bruises around your neck so Mrs. Kim won't know her son almost choked the life out of you last night.

"Take this," Hana says, handing you a bottle of allergy medication. "I get allergies every year so I always have them handy."

"Thank you," you groan, popping two magical white pills into your mouth. "Also, did you get a new haircut?"

"I did," she smiles softly, pulling out her makeup brushes. "I'm surprised you noticed. It's hard to tell because of the curls."

You wish you saw Hana more often but she's incredibly busy. She's a little older than you, maybe somewhere around Sena and Ji-Ho's age, and she's got thick, curly brown hair that used to be a few inches longer, but now it rests just past her shoulders. Her eyes are slanted and her cheeks are round, and she can't be more than five feet even. She's just a bit on the heavier side but you find her adorable and the two of you have had plenty of chances to chat every time she covers you up.

According to her contract, she works with multiple groups but BTS is her priority, so anytime Seokjin calls, she has to come even if she's already busy with something else. He tries not to call on her outside regular work hours if he can help it.

"I really like it," you grin, handing her bottle back.

Her cheeks get a little pink and she gives another shy smile. "Thanks, [Y/N]. Whenever I have my next free weekend we should grab lunch or something."

"I'd love that," you say to her, craning your neck so she can start covering you up.

"I'm going to head downstairs and get our stuff ready," Seokjin says, pressing a kiss to the top of your head. "Just come down whenever you're done."

Hana pulls her sponge back so you can turn and give him a quick kiss. "Okay, baby. I'll be down soon."

Seokjin looks fucking adorable today, dressed in a teal turtleneck and white slacks with his hair parted slightly to the right, his bangs falling loosely over his forehead. He does not look like the demon that possessed him last night and blew your back out.

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