Ch 28 | By Your Side

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Mature Content Ahead


Y/N's POV:

"Come here, Bug," Jin says, sitting down on the chair and patting his lap. "Let's talk."

You remain in place, completely rigid, gripping the hem of your shirt and staring down at the floor. Your cheeks are heating up and your eyes are filling with water as your throat begins to tighten.

"Bug," he says softly, that nickname making your heart squeeze, and you feel him lightly tug on your sleeve. "Talk to me. I'm not going anywhere."

You let him gently pull you into his lap and your legs remain on his right side. Keeping your body stiff and your eyes on your lap, you feel his gaze boring into the side of your face.

You flinch when Jin's soft lips press against your cheek and his arms wrap around your waist, pulling you closer to him. Your rigid body relaxes the tiniest bit as he starts to leave featherlight kisses across your jaw and down your neck. Warmth floods your whole system as his hot breath heats up your neck and shoulder.

A tiny whimper escapes your lips as he kisses behind your ear. His hand reaches up to grab your chin, turning your face towards him. He places the most delicate kiss to your lips, forcing butterflies to shoot through your stomach. He's touching and kissing you so tenderly your skin is getting goosebumps.

His large hand cradles the back of your neck and it burns where his touch meets your skin. Your body gradually relaxes more and more with each gentle kiss he places against your lips.

Your hands finally find the courage to let go of your shirt and slowly travel up his chest and over his shoulders. Once Jin feels you're relaxed, he parts your lips to kiss you deeper. The hand that's cradling your neck tilts you back slightly, allowing his tongue to slip between your lips, making your whole body tingle and float.

A familiar burn in your lower stomach begins to bloom as you taste him. The way his tongue glides across yours so slowly and passionately makes your legs squeeze together. You shiver as his hand leaves your neck to slowly drag his fingertips down your spine, causing you to tremble slightly. The two of you pull back for air and the look in his eyes makes you squirm. His lips are swollen from your kiss and his eyelids are hooded, burning with lust and desire.

"I want you," he says huskily, his deep voice sending another jolt to your core.

"R-right now?" you whimper as he presses his lips to yours again, grazing your bottom lip between his teeth. "W-weren't we going to talk?"

"We are," he says breathlessly, looking back into your eyes. "We're going to talk while you ride me."

You bite into your lip as wetness begins to pool between your legs.

"What if someone comes in?"

"They took some bottles up with them when they left," he answers, still holding your gaze. "And Ana probably told them not to come down since we're changing."

Jin presses his lips to your neck, leaving slow, wet kisses across your skin. Your hand reaches back in search of the drawer and you find it. Jin pulls back when he hears the wood sliding out from the desk, but his eyes fill with more desire when he sees you pull out a condom.

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