Ch 76 | Light & Fluffy

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Y/N's POV:

"Miss [Y/N]?" you hear a gentleman from behind say. You put the wine glass back on the shelf and turn around to find a delivery man holding a large bouquet of white magnolias and a lilac cardboard box. "These are for you."

The whole restaurant watches as he sets them down on the bar and your jaw is almost to the floor. You robotically sign your name on his handheld device and turn to stare at your gifts. There's a small white card on the top of the cardboard box and you pick it up to read it.

Hi Bug,
Just wanted to let you know I'm thinking of you and I love you. Thanks for catching me.

Your hand slaps over your mouth and tears pour from your eyes.

"Oh my gosh!" Chaewon squeals, running to take a look at the flowers. "These are so pretty!"

"They are," you smile, more tears rolling down your cheeks. You open the box and have to hold yourself back from sobbing. This morning you complained that there weren't any strawberries left and he went and sent you a dozen chocolate-dipped ones. "Oh my god I love this man."

Everyone's eyes are still on you as you dab your cheeks with a napkin, drying your tears. "Don't worry," you laugh, looking at all your customers. "These are happy tears." They probably already assumed that from your smile but the last thing you need is people misunderstanding your tears.

You've been barely holding it together today and this is exactly what you needed. Yes you're a blubbery mess but it's a happy cry. There really is no one else you'd rather go through this with.

"Go take a break," Ming smiles, noticing more tears falling from your eyes. "I'll put the flowers out on display."

"Thank you," you say, grabbing your box and heading down to the wine cellar. You take a seat at your desk and read over the card twenty more times before opening the box again. You take a picture of them and send it to him, thanking him and telling him you love him.

You giggle as he reads the message immediately. He must've been waiting. You're about to put a strawberry in your mouth but Sena stops you.

"Let me taste it first."

You raise a brow and she rolls her eyes. "Did you make sure Seokjin is the one who sent these? I'd rather be the one to die of poisoning than have Seokjin kill me himself."

Glancing back down you see him typing but he hasn't responded yet. Your stomach turns over a little at how long he's taking but he eventually replies:

I'm glad you like them. I love you.

"See," you grin, showing Sena your phone. "They're from him."

"Okay," she chuckles, letting go of your wrist. "But you actually do have to give me one."

"Have some," you smile, pushing the box her way.

She picks one up and shoves the whole thing in her mouth. "I fucking love strawberries," she says with her cheeks full, making you snort.

"Is Ji-Ho sending you some anytime soon?" you ask playfully, making her throw her head back in laughter.

"I hope so," she says in amusement, crossing her arms and leaning back against your desk. "I can't read him very well. I want to say he sees me more than a friends with benefits but he has his guard up."

"He'll crack, I know it," you huff, taking a bite of your strawberry. "You're hot, smart, and you make your own money. And I'm assuming the sex is still good."

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