Ch 78 | Trusting

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Y/N's POV:

"Hey, Bug," Seokjin smiles, standing up off the couch. "Where's Dal?"

"I made him go to Hoseok's," you sigh, slipping your shoes off. "I'm cranky and just want to sleep." You got off work later than expected and just now got home.

"Did something happen?"

"No," you shake your head. "It was actually a really good day at work, but I can't tell if I'm cranky because of pregnancy hormones or if it's PMS."

"Either way that doesn't sound fun," he frowns, following you into the kitchen. He hovers behind you as you make yourself a decaf coffee, unsure if he should hold you or give you space. He decides to press his lips to your temple and step back to let you finish making your drink.

Probably a good idea since you're not just in a bad mood. You're in a terrible mood and everything is irritating you. Even Dal was a little scared of you on the drive home. There's no rational explanation as to why, you're just cranky.

Oh, the joys of being a woman.

"Sena and Ji-Ho came by," you say, continuing to face the coffee maker.

He leans back against the island, crossing his arms over his chest. "How'd that go?"

"Weird at first," you answer, pressing your palms on the countertop as you wait. "But it ended well. I gave Sena the okay to tell him what's going on."


Your eyes nervously glance towards him but he has a warm smile on his face. The two of you had talked about telling Ji-Ho but you hadn't decided it officially, so you were a little anxious about him being upset with you.

"Yeah," you nod, letting your shoulders relax a little. He picks up on that and quickly swallows you into his arms, pressing a kiss to the top of your head. You don't really want to be hugged right now but you don't push him away, because you know he hasn't done anything wrong. "Ji-Ho took it well, but he took it hard."

"How so?"

Your face is squished into his shoulder, but the feeling of his soft tan hoodie against your cheek does feel kind of nice. "He said he feels like all he does is make things worse for me."

Seokjin chuckles like that's the dumbest thing he's ever heard. "Even though he saved you? In more ways than one?"

"Yeah," you mumble, taking in his scent. "I set him straight, and maybe sort of hinted that he needs to start taking Sena seriously."

"You broke girl code?"

"Of course not," you scoff, gently pushing him off you once your cup is full. "I just told him to ask her on a proper date soon."

"Is he going to?"

"I think so. When we were done talking he went and gave Sena a kiss on her cheek and she became a red ladybug. It was hilarious."

"I'm glad," he grins. He glances down at your lower half and you can tell he wants to ask about your period, but he probably already knows the answer based off your mood.

"Mother Nature did not appear," you say anyways, taking a sip of your drink. "We're still potentially a mom and dad."

"That's fine with me," he says playfully, but it strikes a nerve that sours your mood even more. Anger courses through you, making your skin burn and your chest constrict. He notices your scowl and his brows furrow in confusion. "Bug, you know I'm joking."

"Are you?" you blurt out.

His jaw slacks as his eyes burn into the side of your face. You're not sure what you're doing right now or what you're trying to gain from this. All you know is that you're angry, and unfortunately Seokjin is the only outlet available.

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