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Y/N's POV:

"Baby, go to sleep," you chuckle, brushing his bangs from his eyes. "I'm almost done."

"No," he mumbles, fluttering his eyes closed. "I want to wait for you."

"One of us slept for ten hours today," you laugh, looking back towards your laptop. "I probably won't fall asleep for a while." You're catching up on your payroll and inventory for your restaurant. Even with everything going on you've at least been able to keep up with things behind the scenes. Moon called you a little bit ago just to check on you and catch you up on how things were going at the restaurant.

"But I want to cuddle," Seokjin pouts, pushing his plump lips out like a toddler who isn't getting what he wants.

"Fine," you roll your eyes but a small smile plays on your lips at how cute he is. You close your laptop and scoot down on the bed. Before you're all the way down, he's already flipping you over and pulling you to him, firmly pressing his chest to your back. One of his arms makes its way under your pillow while the other snakes its way around your waist, and your body immediately hums from the sensation of his skin on yours. He's only wearing a pair of boxers while you're in a black sports bra and your Cooky pajama shorts.

"I love you," he says softly, pressing his lips to your shoulder.

"I love you too," you giggle, his short stubble tickling your skin a little bit. Both of your hearts are still heavy but it's clear between the two of you that you're both here to stay. Neither of you are going to give up, even if things are hard right now.

He props himself up on his left arm, turning you over on your back. His hand cradles the back of your neck and his lips gently press to yours, the sensation of his soft lips making your body feel like it's floating. He tilts your head slightly right, slipping his tongue between your lips as they part.

His kiss is delicate and slow, and the air in the room gets thick from the intensity between you two. It's not rushed or lustful. He's taking his time, tasting you like he wants to savor you. His hand slowly trails down the nape of your neck, his fingertips grazing over your shoulder and down your arm, spreading goosebumps in his wake.

He gently suckles your bottom lip before pulling back to look longingly into your eyes. The sight of him leaves you even more breathless than his kiss. His eyelids are droopy and his lips are swollen and red, his damp hair messily falling over his forehead and the muscles across his chest are flexed to keep himself hovered over you. Your hands slowly trail up from his abdomen to his chest, and your eyes shamelessly wander all over his body. The pressure between your legs is starting to build but you know he's too tired and overwhelmed for sex tonight.

"Are you turned on?" he asks, making your eyes dart back up to his. Apparently he noticed the slight shift in your gaze just now; not surprising since he notices every little detail about you.

"I mean..." you trail off, breaking eye contact as your cheeks flush a light shade of pink. "A little. But I'm not a teenager. We don't have to do anything tonight, I know you're exhausted."

"That doesn't mean I can't take care of you," he says, his voice low and smooth as his eyes flicker down to your lips.

"No it's okay," you shake your head. "I'm fi-"

You're cut off as his lips meet yours again, but this time his kiss is a little hungrier. It's still slow and passionate, but his tongue dances with yours at a needier rhythm. His hand begins tracing patterns across your stomach, making your skin tighten and tingle. That familiar knot begins to bloom in your belly but there's a part of you that feels guilty. He was on the verge of falling asleep a few minutes ago.

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