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Y/N's POV:

"Happy anniversary," Jin beams, pressing his lips to yours.

"Our anniversary?" you giggle. "What, the anniversary of me stuffing my thumbs into your leg?"

"You may not count it but I do," he huffs, placing his hands on his hips. "I asked you on a date that day. So it was our day 1."

"I'm pretty sure I wasn't your girlfriend until you gave me this," you smirk, pressing your fingertips to your locket. "But hey that's fine with me. More ways to celebrate."

Two months have gone by and things have still been pretty great. BTS is talking about starting back up again and you've been able to get back into things at your restaurant. You've been incredibly busy with work and the public since Hybe is making a documentary about everything that went down. There's still a lot of gossip and rumors spreading around so the company thought it would be best to do something more than just a statement. They want it known that Seokjin is innocent, and they're keeping the two of you heavily involved for accuracy.

You heard there's a movie being made too and Park Bo-gum is rumored to play Seokjin's role. It would've been a little funny for Seokjin to play it himself but he said he didn't think he could do an accurate job of portraying how in love you two are if he has to look at another woman instead. Taehyung might appear as himself though.

"Are we doing anything fun for our anniversary part 1 then?" you ask, crawling onto his lap to straddle him. You're both on the couch downstairs after eating breakfast. Your thumb strokes over his bottom lip and you watch his eyes darken just a little.

"Aren't you on your period?" he asks, but you silence him by slipping a finger between his lips.

"That doesn't mean I don't want to taste you," you say teasingly, gently sliding your pointer finger in and out of his mouth. He groans, sucking your digit as you grind into him. After a few seconds he yanks you by your wrist, hungrily crashing his lips against yours.

His hands make their way under your loose t-shirt, sliding it up and over your head before tossing it to the floor. He bites into his lip while his fingers begin to tease your nipples, your mouth finding his again as you continue grinding your core against his hardening length. Your tongue dances across his while his hands find your ass, gripping your flesh to spread you apart further.

He lifts his shirt up and over his head while you crawl down onto the floor between his legs. Unbuckling his belt, you salivate over the bulge already poking through his jeans. His eyes stay focused on your face as you undo his zipper, and he lifts his hips just enough for you to pull down his pants and boxers.

His length slaps against his stomach, making you almost whine from the sight. It nearly reaches his belly button, and mind you Seokjin has a very long torso. He flinches when you grab the base, licking a long strip up from his balls to the tip, your tongue running over his massive vein on the left.

He lets out a groan as you start to suckle his soft head, licking across the top to make him shudder. As usual, you start to bob your head up and down, taking him deeper with each movement. Once you take him as far as you can, your hand starts to pump at the same rhythm as your mouth, making sure he feels pleasure all the way to his base.

"Oh, fuck," he moans, snapping his head back on top of the cushions. Your left hand begins to gently massage his sack, and you know he loves it when you give them attention. "Dammit, that pretty little mouth of yours feels so good."

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