Ch 98 | Loving Memory

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Y/N's POV:

Seokjin's eyes are burning holes into the side of your face as more tears pour down your cheeks. It's taking everything you have not to throw up what little food is in your stomach.

"Bug, please look at me," he says shakily, tears brimming in his eyes as well. "I know this looks bad but I swear to god I have never cheated on you. This is a misunderstanding."

As if he's not even there, you continue to stare down blankly at your phone screen. You stare at it for so long your screen actually goes dark, but you don't move or flinch. You simply stare at nothing as if you're an empty shell.

Everything is numb as your mind fights to keep you sane. Those voices are still in the back of your head and you're doing your best to quiet them just like you're quieting all the noises around you too. Seokjin's still trying to talk to you but it sounds like you're underwater, unable to make out anything he's saying anymore.

This isn't a rumor. This isn't something fabricated. Seokjin's lips were pressed against some other girl's mouth and you had no idea. You were naive. Even if there's some sort of crazy explanation, he still hid it from you. He still chose not to communicate with you.

Your breathing suddenly starts to get a little erratic and Seokjin tries to grab your hand but you slap him away. "Don't touch me," you say almost as a whisper, still staring at nothing in front of you. Your skin burns where he grazed you but right now all you feel is anger and disgust. Tears are now falling down his face as well but you refuse to look at him. You know you're weak against him and you refuse to give him any pity right now.

It's a bit ironic that you didn't see this coming. You two were just on top of the world after finding out Sung-ho will be tried for hurting you. How could you have been so silly to think you could just be happy about something? If you weren't on the verge of a panic attack you might be laughing at yourself. The pain in your chest begins to overwhelm you as your vision starts to get spotty.

"Move," Dal says angrily, crawling all the way to the back to sit between you and Seokjin. You allow him to take your hand but you still don't look at him. "Babe, can you take this for me?"

He holds up a Xanax pill but you shake your head no, starting to wheeze a little. "I-I don't want it."

"You have to take it," he says calmly, but someone giving you orders right now ignites a rage no one was expecting. Hot fury courses through your veins so aggressively it feels like you might catch on fire.

"I said I don't want it!!" you scream at the top of your lungs, shoving Dal so hard he slams back and into Seokjin. "Don't fucking touch me!!!"

Everyone in the car is caught off guard at the pure hatred in your voice, and your skin is red to the point that they can feel heat radiating off of your body.

"Okay," Dal says calmly as he tries to sit back up, but he's definitely filled to the brim with anxiety. "We won't touch you, but I need you to breathe for me."

"I'll handle it myself," you hiss, more tears spilling over your bottom lashes. You're still wheezing but you're breathing, gripping your sweater over your chest. Your throat doesn't seem to be closing any more than it already has, and it's probably from the sheer determination of not wanting anyone's help.

"Bug, I didn't kiss her," Seokjin says nervously, but you still pay no attention to him. You're faced forward, trying to control your breathing and staring at nothing again. "[Y/N], I kno-"

"Shut up!!" you scream, slapping your hands over your ears and curling yourself into a ball. "Just shut up! I should have fucking known! I'm so fucking stupid!!!"

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