Ch 83 | Legal Advice

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Y/N's POV:

Slowly and groggily, your eyelids flutter open and your senses begin to return one by one. You first feel the soft linen sheets beneath you, and then the warm breeze of the heater across your skin. Next is your smell, and the familiar scent of Seokjin washes over you. Once your vision clears up you realize you're back in yours and Seokjin's room, but he's not next to you. Looking over at the clock, it reads 2:42am, and there's only a little bit of light peeking through the window from the moon.

You start to sit up and flinch when you see someone sitting on the floor at the end of the bed, but it doesn't take long for you to realize who it is. Seokjin's prostrated on the ground as if he's apologizing, and he can probably tell you're awake but he's looking down at his lap.

"Baby?" you say in confusion, but as soon as you open your mouth, all your memories come flooding back. Ma-Ri's video, the leaked photos, Seokjin's meltdown, and Dal carrying you off to his room. Nausea crashes over you so strongly you have to slap your hand over your mouth to stop yourself from vomiting.

"I'm so sorry," he says shakily, refusing to meet your eyes.

"Why are you apologizing to me?" you ask anxiously.

"I scared you," he mumbles. "I proved her right. I am violent."

It takes a good minute for his words to process. Once it sinks in that he's serious you have to stifle a laugh because Seokjin is anything but violent. "Because you threw a cup in the opposite direction of me?" you snort. "Yeah that really proves her point. Baby, come here."

You're not angry with him at all. Yes, he had a meltdown but you can't even blame him. Sung-ho and Ma-Ri being together was one of his worst fears. Not only did that come to fruition, but she's topped it off with the most insane accusations against him.

"I swear I never hit her," he chokes out, remaining on the floor with his head hanging low. "Outside of those few times she begged me to slap her during sex I never hurt her. Please believe me, Bug. And the condoms, I swear to god they weren't me. I don-"

"Whoa, hey," you say sternly, cutting him off and crawling to the end of the bed. "Seokjin, I know she's full of shit." He's spiraling again and you know you need to calm him down. "I know you never laid a hand on her," you continue in a softer tone, "and I know you aren't trying to get me pregnant. Everything you and I have done together has been consensual, you don't have to explain anything to me."

His watery eyes finally meet yours and a little piece of your heart shatters at how devastated he is. You reach out your hand and he scoots forward to sit between your legs that are hanging off the bed.

"The thought of anything she said being true never even crossed my mind," you smile softly, cupping his cheeks in your hands. Tears start to pour from his eyes as they search yours. "It doesn't matter what she says, it doesn't matter what the public thinks, I am always on your side. I will never leave you behind."

"Bug," he croaks out, beginning to break down in sobs. "Bug," he says again. His arms wrap around your waist and he bawls into your lap, your hand smoothing over his hair as he repeats your nickname over and over again. "Bug."

Tears start slowly rolling down your cheeks as well while you continue to soothe him until he can calm down. "Ma-Ri won't win this," you say softly, still running your hand over his fluffy hair. "I'm not the only one who has your back. Your members know you, and so do your fans."

He continues to cry and you pull his arms to drag him up into bed. You throw the blanket over his body and he latches himself onto you, burying his face in your chest to cry some more. Your heart is heavy and there's nothing you want more than to be able to trade places with him, but for now all you can do is let him know everything will be okay.

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