Ch 109 | It's Over

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Y/N's POV:

"Three fractured ribs, a fractured wrist, a concussion, and lots of bruising but you'll be just fine."

You blink at Dr. Choi, not really able to focus much because of all the pain medication. You were told that they upped your morphine because of the pounding headache, but it's probably because you panicked about Dal when you woke up again and couldn't calm down even though he's asleep right next to you.

"And he'll be fine too," she chuckles, noticing your eyes shifting to him. "He won't be photo ready for a while, and definitely no boxing matches with Jungkook for a few months, but he's expected to make a full recovery."

The entire left side of his face is covered in cuts and lacerations, and he also has a broken left arm, seven cracked ribs, and a big scar across his abdomen from emergency surgery. Every once in a while you glance over at him to make sure his chest is still rising and falling, even though he's hooked up to a bunch of monitors that'll let everyone know if he stops breathing.

Sena and Hoseok are sitting on the other side of his bed, the both of them passed out and resting on each other. Dal would probably cry from the cuteness if he could see them right now, but Ana's ruining it by sleeping with her mouth hanging open on Hobi's other shoulder.

"I'm going to step out," Dr. Choi says, setting your patient chart on the end of your bed. "Let me know if you need anything."

You nod, watching her slide the door open to step out.

"Are you feeling okay?" Seokjin asks, and you slowly turn your head back over to him. You're propped up in bed and his hand hasn't let go of yours for one second since waking up. His eyes are bloodshot and you can tell he did a lot of crying, but he actually looks much calmer than you'd expect of someone who has a trial tomorrow.

"Just a little loopy," you mumble, using your other hand to cup his cheek. His eyes flutter closed as you smooth your thumb over his cheek bone. "I'm sorry for making you worry."

"I'm just glad you and Dal are okay," he breathes out, cupping his hand over yours. "I almost lost it when we got that call from the police. One of the cops on scene works with Dal and immediately called Sena."

"So you found out pretty quickly?" you ask, and he nods his head, looking into your eyes again.

"Ana was with me so we rushed over here after grabbing Hoseok. They haven't left this hospital in two days."

"That's really-"

Both yours and Seokjin's eyes widen as your groggy brain processes what he just said. If you weren't so medicated you'd probably be panicking already, but you can feel the drugs keeping your chest from tightening.

"T-two days?" you choke out, tears brimming in your eyes.

"Bug," Seokjin says nervously, standing up to move closer. "It's okay. You don't need to worry about it."

"The trial still happened?" you squeak out, tears spilling over your lashes. "You had to go by yourself?"

"I wasn't by myself," he shakes his head, gently taking your face in his hands to make you look up at him. "Namjoon and Yoongi were there, and so was Mr. Song, my parents, and Ji-Ho."

"B-but I left you there alone," you whimper, grabbing his wrists. Even with the meds your stomach is still in knots, nothing but bile trying to make its way up your throat. "I'm so sorry baby. I should've woken up sooner."

"Don't, please," he frowns, looking solemnly into your eyes. "Nothing else mattered to me, as long as you were alive. You woke up with just enough time to let me know you're okay. The first day wasn't anything special, it was just the two sides presenting their cases. I didn't even speak."

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