Ch 61 | Everything

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Y/N's POV:

"Get ready, baby," you say with a smooth and low voice, making Seokjin visibly shiver in excitement as your grip around his neck tightens. "You've awakened a very bad girl, and tonight you're going to satisfy her the exact way she wants."

He keeps his mouth shut and nods with stars in his eyes. Seokjin likes to be the dominant one most of the time, but every once in a while he likes it when you take control. The first half of your relationship you were too nervous and fragile to do anything as bold as this. He loves this new healthy and brave side of you, proving just how far you've come.

There's nothing sexier to him than your resilience.

Loosening your grip but keeping a firm hold on his neck you raise an eyebrow, eyeing him up and down. "And what do we say?" you ask in a smooth voice.

"Yes ma'am," he answers obediently, both sparkles and desire behind his eyes.

"Good boy," you smirk, letting him go so he can breathe easier.

You step off the mattress and slowly push your leggings past your hips and over your thighs, dropping them to the floor with your hoodie, leaving you in only your lace bralette and thong. Seokjin pushes himself up to lean back on his palms and the sight of you has his mouth hanging open.

Mr. Song had Ana grab your underwear for him and of course she picked one of your sluttiest pairs. Your lacy bralette is paired with an equally scandalous thong that just so happens to be in his favorite color, cobalt blue. At first you were annoyed with her for sending such an uncomfortable pair but now you're feeling quite grateful.

"Fuck," he breathes out, eyeing you up and down in awe. He bites into his lip as you teasingly trace your fingers over the soft fabric over your breasts.

"What's wrong baby?" you ask playfully, taking a step towards him. "Do you not like my outfit?"

"I fucking love your outfit," he says, licking over his bottom lip like you're his dinner. "But I think it would look a lot better on the floor."

Goddammit he's so sexy, you groan to yourself. His words increase the pressure between your legs but you don't let him see that. He's not the one in control tonight.

"Patience, baby," you chuckle, stepping between his legs. His towel came untied and now it's just loosely laying across his lap, but you can see the bulge clear as day, boosting your confidence. "I need you to fully appreciate it first."

He reaches his hands up to grab your waist but the irritated look in your eyes makes him freeze in place. "Did I say you could touch me?" you ask angrily, clearly sending another jolt to his lower half as his eyes darken with more lust. His hands slowly fall to his sides, bunching the comforter up into fists beneath him.

You cup the sides of his face and neck, bending down to gently drag your tongue across his bottom lip, making him groan against your mouth. His body tenses as you delicately suckle his bottom lip, gently grazing it between your teeth.

Standing back up, you see his eyes hooded and his lower lip swollen and red from your teasing, making you go a little crazy but you're controlling yourself for now.

"So," you grin, taking a step back to give him a full view of your body. "Do you think this looks pretty on me?"

"You look incredible, Bug," he groans, watching you do a little twirl for him.

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