Ch 59 | Monstrosity

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Y/N's POV:

"Just tell us everything that you can remember," Officer Park smiles softly, him and his partner standing at the foot of your bed. "Take all the time you need, we're in no rush. Just start from the beginning for me."

You see movement from the corner of your eye and glance over to see Dal sitting upright in his hospital bed, looking right at you with an unreadable expression.

"Do you need to step out?" you ask quietly. "It's okay if you do."

He immediately shakes his head no but stays sitting up, just looking at you. His eyes are still pretty glossy but there's also a determination behind them.

You scoot over a little in your bed towards Seokjin and pat the space next to you. "Do you want to come here?"

He nods and Sena and Hoseok help him up off his bed, having to support most of his weight since he's so out of it. Officer Park ends up lifting him up with them since he's so heavy and after a minute or two of struggling, Dal's comfortably latched to your side.

Your bed is sitting up but not all the way, allowing the two of you to comfortably see everyone and still relax back into the pillows. Your back is flat against the mattress and Dal is on his left side, gripping your arm with his mouth pressed to your shoulder. He's not kissing you, he just has his face squished against you, trying to get as close to you as he can.

This broken and vulnerable Dal is heartbreaking but he's also absolutely adorable, clinging onto you like a little kid. Unbeknownst to you, that's exactly where his mind is at. The experience in that room yanked him back to his four year old self, his mind and heart trying to protect him and not let him think too deeply.

"Are you good?" you ask him softly, pressing your cheek to the top of his head. You feel him nod and you pick your head back up and look at Seokjin who's quick to wrap his hand back around yours.

He picks your hand up and delicately presses his lips against your palm, making your heart flutter. "We're right here, okay?"

"Okay," you nod, turning back towards the officers at the end of the bed. "Do I just start from when we were taken?"

"That would be great," Officer Bai nods. "Like Officer Park mentioned, take your time, but try to give us as many details as you can."

You take a big deep breath before diving into what happened. You tell them about Dal talking you down from your panic attack in the pitch black van, then about how he played along like he was Jungkook once you two figured out he wasn't the real target.

"That was a good call," Officer Park nods. "They might have panicked and done something else if they'd realized they messed up. You guys did great."

His reassurance relaxes you a little bit. You'd been wondering if that was the right thing to do or not and being validated takes a lot of the anxiety off your chest.

Your story continues as you tell them about the apartment, trying to think of as many details as you can, but you start to choke up when you get to the part about Jin Ae coming down the stairs. Having to explain what she said about Seokjin's passed out body was harder to say than you thought it would be. You can't get yourself to look at him but you feel his lips press back into your palm, letting you know he's okay.

Then begins the part where things got ugly — when Jin Ae saw that the one sitting on the couch wasn't Jungkook, it was Dal. You describe how Henry punched Duri so hard he passed out and that's when your chest begins to tighten. Your throat and lungs begin to close and it becomes hard to breathe, tears spilling from your eyes.

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