Ch 91 | Property

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Y/N's POV:

"That is so fucked up," Jungkook grits through his teeth, clenching the remote so hard it looks like it's about to break. "The bitch really tried to sympathize with me after Jin Ae assaulted Hyung, acting like she was so hurt and devastated over it."

Jungkook no longer addresses the situation as anything other than assault. Once it was confirmed Jin Ae knew it was Seokjin that night, it was no longer just a "drunken mistake." 

You stare at Jin's angry side profile as he watches the video again, but luckily he's not panicking. He's furious, but he's in control.

"Seokjin," Ana growls so angrily it nearly makes the hair on the back of your neck stand up. "Get your fucking hands off of her." You're confused when you see her glaring at Jin like she wants to rip his head off.

He looks at her like she's insane before looking down at his hands. You hadn't even realized how hard he was gripping your thighs until just now, and he must not have noticed either.

"Oh my god," he breathes out, releasing your legs as quickly as he can. Red and light purple bruise marks have already started forming from his hands and tears immediately well in his eyes. "Bug, I-I'm so sorry." His voice is shaky and now he seems to be on the verge of panicking. "I-I didn't know I was hurting you, I'm so sorry. Why didn't you say anything?"

"I didn't even feel it until Ana said something," you say, wincing as you rub your hand over the swollen skin. "It's okay, I know you didn't realize it either."

"It's not okay," he mumbles, one tear rolling down his cheek. "Jesus, all I do is bruise you." He nervously looks at Ana who already seems to have calmed down. "I'm sorry, thank you for saying something."

"Just be careful," she sighs, running her hand through her hair. "I know you'd never intentionally hurt [Y/N], but instead of your attention being on Ma-Ri it should be on her. Sorry to be a bitch but your brother fucking your ex shouldn't be your priority."


"No, she's right," Jin says, solemnly running his hands over your thighs. "I already knew this was my reality and you're what's important, Bug. There's no excuse for me to ever leave a mark on you without consent."

"Baby," you chuckle, cupping his cheeks in your hands. "I'm telling you it's okay, end of discussion. My legs bruise easily anyways." That's actually true. After your time in jail, your legs and arms started to bruise easier than before, mostly due to the weight loss and stress.

He slumps back down against you, gently squeezing his arms around your body. He buries his face into your chest and groans. "I don't know what I would do without you."

"You'd probably be dead," you snort, running your hand over his hair.

Glancing up at Namjoon he gives you a small smile. "You're okay?" he mouths, and you grin and nod your head. You're just fine. He really wasn't gripping you that hard, the color of your skin just makes it look worse than it is. Jungkook decides to change the channel to a comedy skit to ease the atmosphere, and after ten minutes everyone's laughing along, even Seokjin.

Another hour passes and Taehyung's stomach audibly rumbles. "I'm ordering pizza because I'm too lazy for anything else," he says, pulling out his phone. "Anyone else want some?"

Everyone nods except you and Seokjin. He grabs the back of your sweatshirt and you know he wants to leave. "We're going to head out," you say, prying him off of you to sit up. "We're exhausted."

You stand up to give everyone a hug but your recluse of a boyfriend stands by the door, impatiently waiting for you to say your goodbyes. Once you're done he's practically dragging you back to the apartment, wrapping you into his arms as soon as you're through the door.

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