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Author's POV:

Flashback continued

"Dal," Ji-Ho says with a big smile, "you know the station best. Is there a room or specific area we could put [Y/N] that people pass by often? We want it secluded enough to speak freely but open enough that people can see us walking inside."

"There's an unused office at the end of the hall when you first walk in," Dal nods. "It'll be obvious which room she'll be in."

"How do we find an excuse to leave her alone?" Jin asks. "She'll automatically know something's up if all three of us willingly leave her there. She knows Dal and I would never let that happen."

Ji-Ho writes down a few things on his notepad. "I'll step out first to speak with the lawyers. Then Dal will walk you to the interrogation room. I think she'll be a little too overwhelmed with everything else to look too deeply into it."

Seokjin tries fighting down the nausea as the rest of the plan gets put together. He's not even that upset about the allegations anymore, he's just worried about you. Of course he's worried about Army, but they've been with him for ten years. They know him.

As the oldest member of one of the biggest groups in the world, he's pretty used to people tearing him up online. His mental strength is one of the strongest in the world, and he's usually like an iron shield because of it. Now that you're in the picture, he's like an entirely different person. He has someone he wants to put above himself, and he's going to do whatever he can to make you happy and whole.

After an hour or so, they're all downstairs waiting for you and Seokjin is barely holding himself together. The last time he hid something from you it was a disaster. He looks out into the crowd, wondering if you'll be okay during the statement. It's usually him addressing the crowd, and he knows you don't enjoy being the center of attention.

But as usual, you surprise him with your bravery and resilience. You courageously set the record straight to the public, reassure him that everything will be okay, and also sympathize with the topic of domestic abuse. If he thought he was in love with you before, he's completely off the deep end now. There's no going back for him, he's going to love you until his last breath.

On the car ride to the station he reads some of the support you two have received online and instantly feels better. You're doing so well and he knows the support of others means a lot to you.

But as it becomes time to leave you alone, it dawns on him that he didn't tell you everything that happened between him and Ma-Ri sexually. Sure, it's not necessarily something most couples would dive deeply into, but you two aren't a typical couple. There's almost nothing you don't know about each other. But these memories are something he'd buried deep within him, and they're just now resurfacing. He meant it when he said he hardly ever thought about Ma-Ri anymore.

"Remember how I told you Ma-Ri tried rekindling things with us in the bedroom?" he asks you nervously.

"I do," you nod, holding his gaze. "You told me she bought some BDSM toys and had you slap her a few times."

"And I told you I tried it, but it just wasn't my thing."

"Correct," you answer, and the look in your eyes makes his stomach turn over. You're looking at him anxiously, but there's also a deep love and affection in those beautiful eyes of yours.

"Well, I really tried it," he says quietly, feeling his hands begging to tremble. "I did love her, and I wanted to do everything I could before deciding to end things. But it was some pretty hardcore stuff."

"Like what?"

Your question drains all the blood from his face. There's a lot of things he can handle right now, but you being upset with him is not one of them. "I swear I wasn't trying to hide it, I just didn't think you'd want to kno-"

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