Ch 107 | Black

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Y/N's POV:

"Woman, why are you here?" Moon huffs, taking the plates from your hands. "The trial is in two days, you should be at home."

"I can't," you pout, following him out of the kitchen. "Seokjin's stressing me out so I'd rather be here."

"Are you guys fighting?" Chaewon asks, and you wait for Moon to get back from giving the customers their food before answering.

"No, we're okay," you sigh, taking a seat on one of the barstools. Chaewon got her bartending license so she's helping out with drinks today. "He's just really stressed about everything — I mean who wouldn't be? But we've practiced everything with Ji-Ho one hundred times over the last few weeks. There's no point in freaking out because it won't make anything better."

"Is he going to be okay tomorrow?" Moon asks, moving behind the bar to help Chaewon with a few drink orders.

"He'll be fine, he's used to having to perform under pressure. I think he's worried about me but I really am doing okay."

There's no lie about anything you just said. You're actually doing incredibly well lately, and you know it's because of how great things have been between you and Seokjin. The insane sex finally calmed down but you two still have a very healthy sex life, and he still treats you like a princess. You've gotten a lot better at doing little things for him and initiating intimacy, and it's almost turned Seokjin back into his old self again.

He has made amazing progress with Eunji. He was down in the dumps for another week or two, but lately he seems more at peace with things. His parents choosing you two definitely helped, because it allowed Seokjin to fully let go of his brother too.

Ma-Ri's pregnancy also isn't affecting him as much anymore. At first he was struggling, knowing that innocent little baby would be his niece or nephew, and he wasn't sure if he could love him or her. But he talked a lot about it with you, Eunji, and the other members. That child will need someone like Seokjin there for them, and he refuses to let his hurt feelings get in the way of him loving his own family. He wants his first niece or nephew to be a celebration of life, regardless of who the parents are.

Things were really great for the both of you until two days ago. Not that things are bad, they're just tense. Seokjin started to get nervous about the trial and has been a bit of a mess. Last night he couldn't eat and didn't hardly sleep a wink, and it'll probably be the same tonight.

He's more worried about you and how you'll handle being on the stand. Their lawyers are going to grill you and re-traumatize you purposely, hoping you'll slip up. You're really not that worried though, mostly because you know exactly what they're going to say. You've worked with Eunji and Ji-Ho a lot, and you're feeling confident, but of course Seokjin will still worry about you. He'd rather die than ever see you that broken again.

It also doesn't help that the world will be listening to every word. The whole trial is being streamed to the public, for multiple reasons — there's less chance of corruption, there's no chance of false rumors, and everything can be closely monitored.

You know it'll be difficult but to you, this is the light at the end of the tunnel. This is the home stretch. You just need to survive through the trial and then you're free. At least for the next ten to fifteen years.

There's a chance the defense still has one more trick up their sleeve, but they're still fucked regardless. They're going to prison no matter what, it's just a matter of how long they'll be there for.

Luckily Ji-Ho was worried for nothing, because there's been no suspicious accidents or new people randomly showing up. Mr. Song did a pretty good job of vetting every employee that came in contact with all of you that'll be testifying, so it's not like there was ever a chance. Plus, you and everyone involved have made it a point to not go very many places publicly, just in case.

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