5. Almost

381 14 2

T/W slight smut with flash back of SA

Gently pressing against my lips, Eddie was kissing me. I closed my eyes enjoying the feeling of his soft supple lips on mine and then feel Eddie shift's and moves on top of me, holding himself above me. He runs his tongue on the bottom of my lip so I open my mouth up inviting him in. A moan escapes my lips as his tongue explores my mouth for the first time. I slid my hands behind his head and into his hair taking hold of some as he moves his left hand to my face. His cold rings brushing against my cheek, send a shiver all the way down my spine. Another moan comes from me and the kiss started getting more aggressive, tongues playing in each other's mouths battling for dominance. I pull his head down a bit more and this time he moans then breaks the kiss stilling up a bit and looking down at me. With both of us breathing heavily he says
"If at any time you want me to stop tell me and I will stop. I don't want to push you to do anything you don't want to."
"I will." I respond.

He smiles then comes back down to kiss me. This time he pressed his lower half against me, hard pressing against soft. I let out a gasp and pulled him closer to me. His hand slid from my face down my body stoping at my waist. I winced when his rings touch my warm skin and feel him smile into the kiss likening how he was making me feel. His hand then starts to move up my shirt but he stoped right below my breast.

Pulling away he asked "May I?"
"Yes" I say

He presses his lips again mine then moves to my cheek kissing down to my neck stoping there the lightly sucking and licking at my neck I feel him slips his hand under my bra. His grip was tight as he squeezed my breast then lightly brushed a finger over my nipple, earning him another gasp from me. My hands wonder down his back till I touched the bottom of his shirt and I tugged.

He pulls away from my neck and turns his face to mine and I say "off." Still pulling at his shirt
"Yes Mam." He said pulling his shirt off and revealing his bare chest and tattoos.

We look at each other for a few seconds before he brings his face back down to mine and continued to kiss my lips and need my breast. His touch sends shockwaves across my body and he pressed himself against me again causing both of us to moan. One of his hands goes to my back and un clipped my bra. I sit up a bit and he helps me take both my shirt and tank off then removes my bra, throwing them all to the floor.

When he turns his eyes back to me they wonder my upper body then lock back with mine. "My god you are beautiful."
I smile "Kiss me." I say to him needing his bare chest to lay against mine.

He leans down kissing me hard both of our mouths moving, pressing, fast, hard. His lower half grinding on me, I could feel how hard he was even with his pants on and I grind back loving the friction its causing. He slowly starts to move his hand down my leg to my thigh and slides it up my skirt stoping where I was needing him to touch me. He broke the kiss again.

"Can I touch you?" He asked a bit out of breath.
"Yes what?" He asked his voice a bit deeper.
"Yes, please touch me." I almost begged him.

He smiles and I felt his fingers brush my panties and his lips touch my neck again. He moved his fingers along the side of my panties, then slipping them under it gently rubbing the lips of my pussy. I moan and rock my hips towards him.

"I can already feel how wet you are" he whispers into my ear.
"Ummm" was all I could get out.

He then slipped one finger in and I gasp as he started to move that finger in and out of me and I cant help but move with him. I couldn't get enough of his touch my body was heating up craving him. Then I feel another finger slip into me and we both moved together and moan. He started pumping his hand faster and faster. I can feel My body reacting to his touch my heart beating fast and my blood bowling inside me.

Jaded affection / Eddie MunsonWhere stories live. Discover now