46. Special date

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TW: SMUT More towards the end of the chapter.


When Jade leaves I go to my van and head to a store real quick. I pick up beer and a few of Jade favorite snacks and some flowers and a box of chocolate. I get back to the house and bring all the stuff in side . I had found a nice picnic basket the other day when I was planing this all out so I put the food in it and place the beer in the fridge to get cold. Then I make a couple of ham sandwiches and get that all packed away and ready to go.

I place the flowers and chocolates on the table and grab a few clean blankets and go to my van setting the back up with then and throw the pills I have on top of them. I also place some little fairy lights around the back so when it's dark we have some light in the van. When thats all finished I go back in and head to Jades bathroom to take a shower and get ready for out date. Jade needs some time out of this house, I haven't taken her out on a real date yet and im feeling really bad about that so I want to make this one really special but not fancy. I get dressed in my black riped jeans and an Iron Maiden shirt then my leather jacket and jean DIO Vest. I Put all my rings on and my guitar necklace, watch and chain bracelets then head up stairs. I look at my watch and see its 3:45 and Jade left at 1:30. I was hoping to leave around 5 as long as Jade gets back on time. I decided to sit in the living room and just watch some tv till she gets home.


At 3:30 I decide I should head back home. While sitting with my mom I was able to talk with my moms friend Linda for a little while. I let her know how im doing and how school is going. She's asks about Eddie as well and she said she hopes were both working really hard. When I walk through the front door its a little after 4 and Eddie is watching tv.

"Hey sweetheart how was the visit with your mom." He asks looking over at me.
I shut the door and go around the couch and take a seat right next to him. He puts his arm around me and I snuggle in close to him.
"Same as usual, but Linda was working so I got to talk to her for a bit."
"I liked her, she was really nice to me while I was in the hospital."
"Yeah she asked about you and wanted to know how your were doing."
"That was sweet of her."
"So." I say sitting up and facing him. "What do you have planed for us?"
"Oh I cant tell you its a surprise, but im taking you out on a date, just you and me."
"Oh a surprise." I say
"Well where we're going is a surprise but I did get everything for a picnic."
My eyes instantly light up. "Really?" I say getting all excited.
"Yes." He replies with a big grin.
"When are we going?"
"We can leave at 5."
I lean over and give him a quick kiss. "I cant wait."
"Oh I do have something to give you so just wait right here." He says jumping up and heading to the kitchen. "Close your eyes." He shouts when he turns the corner.

I close my eyes and wait for Eddie to tell me to open them. I hear him walk back down the hall and stop in front of me.

"Ok you can open them now."

I open my eyes and see Eddie holding a bouquet of my favorite flowers, stargazer lilies and a box of chocolates and my eyes start to tear up . This boy, he makes my heart melt and bring me so much joy. All the little things he does just to make me happy. I have no words for how im feeling.

"Oh Eddie ." I say taking the flowers and chocolates from him. "How did you know theses were my favorite flowers.?"
"I asked Monica thought she would know."
"This is so sweet it really is." I say looking up at him.
Eddie gets on his knees in front of me and plants a gentle kiss onto my lips.
"Anything for you princess. Now would you like to smoke before we go then it should be time to pack up the van and go."

We get up and go to the kitchen Eddie runs down stairs to get his weed and pack a bowl. I grab a vase and put water in it then put my flowers in there and place the chocolates and Flowers in the vase on the kitchen table. When Eddie comes back we smoke it then have a quick cigarette and it's now close to 5. He grabs the beer in the fridge and the basket then I grab a light jacket from the hallway closet and we go to his van. He places the beer and basket in the back then helps me into the car and shuts the door.

Jaded affection / Eddie MunsonWhere stories live. Discover now