11. The morning after

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T/W abuse/flashback

I opened my eyes to see myself facing Eddie and cuddled into his chest, his arms wrapped around me holding me tight. I smile to myself and let out a small sigh. I can't believe we had sex last night. Totally unplanned and nothing I usually do so soon. But I don't know , there is something about this boy that makes me feel so comfortable that I let all my walls down for him.

I debate on weather to try and go back to sleep or get into the shower. I don't want to wake him up but I definitely don't think I'll be able to fall back asleep right now. Slowly I move his arm that's around me and carefully try to slide off the bed. He shifts a bit to his back but doesn't open his eyes. I make my way to the bathroom and quietly shut the door. I turn the shower on waiting for the water to warm up when my thoughts drift to last night. Thinking of Eddie's hands on me sends a shiver down my spine. I shake my head and check the water, it's right where I want it.

I take the wrapping off my hand real quick and check out my cut. It's not to bad but I'll need to change this and clean it up again. I'll do it after my shower so I wrap my hand back up and step into the shower. I let out a small sigh as the water hits my skin then I wash my hair and body and just stand in the water for a bit when I was finished.

Getting out of the shower I wrap a towel around myself and wrap up my hair. I pull the old wrapping off around my hand and throw it out then find a new one and rewrap my hand up. I open the door and see Eddie sitting against the headboard with his hands behind his back and looking towards me, with his bare chest just showing and all his tattoos on display making my heart skip a beat.

"Morning beautiful." He says with a smile.
"Morning." I smile back and walk to my dresser getting a bra and some pantie out. I can feel Eddie's eyes on me as I move around my room so I drop my towel and turn towards him. His eyes are still on me and his face is fills with lust as he looks me up and down.
"Jade, you are perfect." He tells me.
"Sure sure." I say putting my underwear on.
He moves down my bed to sit at the end and grabs my hands and brings them to his lips planting a soft kiss on top of them. Then he looks up at me with his beautiful brown eyes.
"You are, and don't you ever doubt that even for a second."

I blush then lean down and give him a quick kiss on the lips then turn around to go find some cloths.

"So what are we doing today?" He asks me.
I grab a pare of pajama pants and pull them on.
"Well we're supposed to do lunch with everyone." I say pulling a baggy AC/DC t shirt out of a draw and putting it on.
"Oh yeah when is that?"
"Um..I'm not sure I'll call Nancy in a bit , what time is it?"
Eddie look at his watch. "9:45" he says.
"Well I think you need to shower and get some new cloths." I say walking back to him and sitting on his lap as he gently places his hands around my waist.
"Yeah your probably right." He smiles.
"Get dressed I'll make some coffee and you can have a cup before you leave."
"Sounds good." He says giving me a quick kiss.
I stand up and he quickly smacks my ass.
"Eddie ." I say looking back at him trying not to laugh.
He just gives me a big grin.

I shake my head and walk out of my room down the hall and up the stairs to the kitchen. I start the coffee and wait for pot to fill up then walk over to the cabinet and grab 2 mugs for us. Eddie walks up from the basement and smiles at me.
"It's almost ready ." I say putting the mugs down. He nod's and then takes a seat at the table. I see the pot stop filling and fill up both of the mugs and hand one to Eddie.
"Want to sit outside on the porch and have a cigarette."
"Lead the way." He says.

We walk to the front door and head out to the porch sitting down on some chairs. Eddie pull's out 2 cigarettes from his jacket, lights one and hands it to me.
"Thank you."
Lighting his own he says "You're welcome princess."

Jaded affection / Eddie MunsonWhere stories live. Discover now