38. Corroden Coffin

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TW small fight nothing to big

The next few weeks seam to fly by pretty fast. I visit my mom everyday I can and make sure I'm getting all my homework done and study for any test that comes up. There has been no change in my mom and no updates from the police. What good are they away I mean this is a small town. Eddie's really been helping me out and trying to keep me calm and staying positive. I haven't had any flashbacks in a while but the nightmares are still coming. Whenever Im  having one Eddie is there to comfort me. He's still staying with me as he's still healing and I just don't want to be alone. He has gone back to see his uncle and spend time with him on his days off and also to get more cloths. We even got Eddie's van and brought it back to my place so we didn't have to just rely on my car.

My grandparents moved into there new house and Eddie and I helped them, though Eddie still couldn't lift anything to heavy with his ribs still healing. My grandparents absolutely loves him and are happy I have someone to help keep me company. I've had all my friends over as well. Max comes by a lot and will sometimes bring Lucas. Him and Eddie usually talk about D&D stuff. Nancy, Robin and Monica have all come over together to sit and chill. Im definitely happy all my friends are getting along. Without Eddie and them id be so lost thats for sure. Paul has been silent and im still worried about him but I've been thinking about my mom more and im more worried about her then anything else so he hasn't been on my mind to much.

Tonight me and all my friends, well older friends are going to see Eddie and his band Corroden Coffin play at the Hideout. Eddie took his van and went to be with the band this afternoon and im having Monica Nancy and Robin come to my place so we can all get ready for the show together. Dan and Steve were going to pick us up at 7:30. My grandparents though it was a good idea to go out and be a regular teenager. They really appreciate all my friends and how much they all have been helping me out.

It's now 5:00 so I take a quick shower since the girls will be here at 5:30 then I throw a tank and shorts on when I'm done and head up the stairs. When I reach the top of the stairs my doorbell rings so I go to the front door and open it.

"We're here." Monica says with a big smile.

I laugh and they all come in holding there bags with the cloths they will be wearing tonight.

"Let's go to my room, I still need to pick out an outfit and we can all get ready."
They fallow me through the kitchen and down the stairs and into my room.
"Alright what are you guys all wearing?" I ask.

Monica opens up her bag and pulls out a short black spaghetti strap dress with black heals and a black chocker. Next Nancy pulls out a cute purple short sleeved dress that stopes above her knees, a silver heart neck less and black heals. Robin pulls out some gray jeans a black top with a black zip up jacket with patches on it and some black boots.

"Love it, now I need my outfit, you guys can start getting dressed if you want."

Nancy goes into the bathroom to change and Monica and Robin just start change in my room. I turn to my closet and start going through it trying to find something nice to wear. I end up finding a short fitted, dark blue sweetheart neckline dress then pull out my leather jacket that has a buckle on the bottom of it. I grab some fishnets and combat books and place them on the bed. I then go and grab a long necklace that stops right above my cleavage and some chain bracelets. I get it all put on and as I finish Nancy come out of the bathroom so now were all dressed .

"Wow we all look good." Monica says looking around.
"Just need to get our hair and makeup done, im going in the bathroom all my make up is there, you guys and use the mirror across my closet."

I go into the bathroom and see the girls all sit on the floor with there makeup. I decide on a dark smoky eye and more natural lip. I put mascara on and a bit of blush to finish it off. I tease my bangs a bit and spray them to the side and fluf my hair up a little then put a bit of hair spray on that. I look myself over and like how I look so I leave the bathroom and see Monica and Nancy are finishing up and Robin is all ready and sitting on my bed. When I walk into the room the girls all look towards me.

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