70. Finals Part 2

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Tuesdays finals went by fast seeing's it was only creative writing and art. Eddie dropped me off at school since he didnt have any finals today.

For creative writing I finished up my story then reread it making sure I like everything and that it flowed nicely then handed it in to my teacher. She smiled at me and said she couldn't wait to read it. Luckily I know shes into horror so im hoping she really does like it.

I was able to go to brake early so I sat outside socking up the sunlight. Soon my other friends joined me and we got to talk for a while before we had to go to our next final.

In art I had already finished up my painting and I was working on the paper for it. Saying what it ment to me and what the inspiration was behind it. I did feel a little vulnerable since this painting is a bit personal but I know others will be able to relate to it as well.

I only need about an hour to write it all out and when the teacher came by she sees im done and stops to look everything over

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I only need about an hour to write it all out and when the teacher came by she sees im done and stops to look everything over. She flashes me a smile and tells me she's appreciates me being so open with this piece and basically tells me I would be passing. She then tells me I could leave early.

I had to use the office phone to call my house and see if Eddie was home. Luckily he was there so he came and got me early. Again we went and saw my mom and talked for a few hours. She's looking so good and has been able to walk around more.

Today is Wednesday and its our last day of finals for Eddie and myself and our friends as well. I had put on some cut up jean shorts and a gray Vneck tank top. I left my hair down and added some makup that was able to cover up the bruise on my face pretty well.

Eddie myself , Monica, Dan and Frank are in our chemistry class. We just got our test paper and are now starting them. I look over the first page then begin. This one was definitely hard. Last night Eddie, me, Monica and Dan got together to study for it and we actually had Dustin over to help us out. God that kid is smart but it really helped us out along with all the good notes I took as well. So I was pretty confident I would pass this one.

When I finish up I see we still have 20 minutes till were done so I go back over my answers quick making sure im happy with them. When were excused we hand our papers in then Eddie grabs my hand and we head to the library to go over our notes for the presentation for Ap English. The others had a different English class so im not sure what they needed to do for there final.

Eddie and I take a seat and pull our notes out. As were going over then Eddie places his hand on my thigh and leans in closer to me. Slowly he moves his hand up and down each time getting a little closer to my core. Im trying so hard to concentrate but when his fingers brush my front my breath hitches and I have to throw my hand over my mouth.

I glance over and Eddie who has a wicked grin on his face as hes looking down at his notes. I narrow my eyes at him and place my hand on top of his so he cant move it anymore.

Jaded affection / Eddie MunsonWhere stories live. Discover now