19. Misunderstanding

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I woke up to see I was still laying on Eddie's lap, he was slumped over passed out with one arm around my waist. I knew If I moved that I would wake him up so I just lay here and dont move.

I close my eyes and then a memory hit me. I remember right before I fell asleep Eddie told me he loved me...or was that a dream. I can't really remember now. I sigh and try to move my right hand and wince . Ugh the pain is back. Eddie then moves his head up upon hearing me.

"Are you ok." He says yawning.
"My hand just hurts." I tell him.
"You can't take another pain pill till noon." He reminds me.
"Ugh yeah, what time is it?"
Eddie looks down at his watch.
"To early." I say "Did you want to go home and get some real sleep?"
"No I'm ok." He says and smiles at me.

I sit up and look at him. Should I bring up what I heard him say or did I dream it, and how do I feel?My heart flutters just thinking about him. Maybe that's my answer.

"Eddie can I ask you something."
"Yeah what's up?"
"Um...right before I fell asleep I heard you say something.. did you?"
"I did say something." He tell me his face getting  serious.
"What did you say."
"You tell me." He says looking straight into my eyes.
I stare at his deep brown eyes for a few seconds then say "Did you tell me you love me?"
He smiles. "yes I did."
I could feel my whole face light up and my heart starts to beat faster, what I feel for him is more then I've ever felt for anyone it's more intense and more deeper.
"Yes." He says looking at me a bit nervous.
"I love you too." I say as my eyes start to fill with tears of happiness.
He give me a big smiles then pulls me in for a kiss. It was gentle and loving and oh my god I really love him.

"Oh. Um.. I'm sorry I didn't mean to intrude on this special moment." I hear my mom say.
I pull away from Eddie and look towards her, her eyes are bright and filled with happiness for me.
"Would you two like some coffee."
"We would love some." I say
My mom goes back to the kitchen and I look at Eddie who's face is all red.
"You ok Munson?" I say trying not to laugh.
"I'm good , didn't expect that." He say looking towards the kitchen.

I laugh and we get up and go the kitchen to get our coffee. We chat with my mom for a bit then head out front for a cigarette. Eddie and I sit there smoking for a bit when I tell him that's it's ok if he wants to go home because I know he has a show tomorrow and he has stuff he needs to do. After a bit of talking he agrees and then gives me all the details about where it will be and that it starts at 8. I tell him I'll have Robin pick me up and will be there. He kisses me goodbye and I watch him leave.

Me and my mom end up sitting on the couch chatting. She told me how the other hospital was and how happy she was to be home and be with me. At lunch she made me a sandwich and made sure I took my medicine. I sit down on the couch and was going to get comfortable when the phone rang.

"I got it sweetie." My mom says going over to the phone. She answer it then turns to me.
"Honey it's Steve." She says and brings the phone to me.
"Hello" I say a bit confused as to why he would call me.
"Hey Jade how are you."
"I'm alright, what's up?"
"Um I was wondering if we could meet up today I wanted some help with something or some advice really."
Confused I ask "help with what."
"It has to do with Nancy."
I smile I knew he still liked her.
"Yeah but you will have to pick me up." I tell him.
"Oh ,why?"
"Long story, but I'll tell you when you get here. You remember where I live right?"
"I do and ok I'll be right over."

I then hang up the phone. Well now I definitely need to change, so I pull myself off the couch and head to the basement. I pull out some shorts and a random shirt, I just want to be comfortable so I don't care as long as the cloths are clean. I carefully change and then brush my hair pulling it up into a ponytail and head back upstairs grabbing my bag.

Jaded affection / Eddie MunsonWhere stories live. Discover now