36. The hangover

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I wake up to a pounding headache.
"Fuck." I grown, realizing I definitely drank way too much last night.

I turn my head to my clock seeing it says 9:53. I turn to my other side only to find it empty. Where was Eddie I thought. I sit up and right away my stomach turns, shit. I get up and run to my bathroom and just barely making it to the toilet. When I was finished puking my guts out I slump to the floor and hear my bedroom door open then see Eddie standing by the bathroom door. He leans against the door frame looking at me holding a glass of water and some Tylenol.

"Yeah thought that might happen." He says with a smirk.
I just groan.
"Think you can keep this down princess." He asks holding the water and Tylenol out to me.

I nod my head and he comes over bending down and gives me the pills and water. I down them and drink the water then hand the empty cup back to Eddie.

"Let's get some pants on you and we can go upstairs, I was going to make breakfast for everyone."
"Ok." I stand up and go to my dresser and pull out a pare of shorts and slip them on.
"Is everyone awake?" I ask him
"Everyone but Nancy, Steve and Robin." He says.

We walk out of my bedroom and down the hall where I see Robin passed out on the couch and notice that there is a glass of water and Tylenol on the table. I smile to myself knowing Eddie was the one to put that there. He's even sweet to my friends or I should say our friends. He's nothing like what others think of him and I dont think I ever could have imagined just how sweet he can be. We head up the stairs into the kitchen then head to the living room.

"Hey," Dustin says

My hands goes straight to my head. "Ugh not so loud ok." I say taking a seat on the couch next to Max.

"Sorry." He says in a more quiet voice.
"You definitely enjoyed yourself last night." Max says with a grin.
"Yeah a little to much." I say laying my head back on the couch.
"So what does everyone think of French toast for breakfast, we have plenty of bread and eggs." Eddie says.
"Oh that sounds really good." Monica replies
"Yes please." Mike says right after
Everyone shakes there head in approval.
"Ill make some bacon too, the grease will be good for anyone with a hangover." He chuckles.
"Shut up." I say throwing a pillow at him that was laying right next to me.
He catches it laughing and winks at me, tosses it to Dustin and heads into the kitchen to start making breakfast.
"I need a cigarette, im going out back." I say
"Hey can I sit with you." Max asks me.

We both get up and walk into the kitchen to the back door.

"Hey Ed do you have your cigarettes up here?" I ask him.
"Over on the counter." He says pointing to them.

I grab one then give him a kiss on the cheek and go outside. Max and I sit down and I light the cigarette and take a drag off it, slowing letting the smoke out and sigh then I turn my head to look at Max.

"So did you have fun last night?"
"Yeah it was really nice to hangout with everyone." She tells me.
I smile and nod my head agreeing with her.
"Um...so how's your mom doing?" Max asks me .
I feel my chest tighten when she asks this and the pain in my heart returns. "From what I know, there hasn't been any changes. I want to go see her today but if I don't start feeling better ill have to go after school tomorrow."
Max places her hand on top of mine and gives me a small smile. "Just know you are not alone and we are all here for you."
I nod my head with a soft smile on my face. "Thank you."

I finish up my cigarette a little bit after that and we head back inside. Max runs off to the living room and I see Nancy and Steve in the kitchen drinking some coffee.

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