27. Tragedy

161 7 2

TW violence


Friday evening

After I got home from school I went straight to my room, I needed to smoke, this week was a bit stressful. I saw Jade having to deal with Paul and tried to help when I could. That guy is such a dick. I think he feels like he can do what he wants since his dad is a cop. I just want to make sure Jade is ok. I'm still missing her like crazy so anytime I can be around her makes me happy. We have been talking more so I'm hoping maybe she's ready to forgive me. She did say she wanted to talk tomorrow, I'm nervous about it though. Is she going to tell me she just wants to be friends or get back together.

I grab a joint from my drawer and light it up, sitting down on my bed. I smoke the joint then when im done I leave my room to go outside for a cigarette and see my uncle is in the kitchen.

"Hey I'm going out for a cigarette, wanna come." I ask him.
"Yeah I'll join you."

We both walk outside and take a seat on the couch we have out front of our trailer.

"So how are things going with you?" He asks me.
"Ok I guess." I reply lighting my cigarette.
"Anything new with Jade?"
"She asked to talk tomorrow, so she's going to come over here."
"Really, think it's good news?" He asks me.
"I don't know to tell you the truth. I mean I really hurt her, it was just a stupid kiss but still the hurt I saw in her eyes still sticks with me."
"I get it, we all do stupid stuff, shit us men can be really dumb, but if she truly cares about you, you guys will make it through this."
"I hope so, she definitely special and I really do love her."
Wayne pats my shoulder.
"Hang in there kid."
"Thanks." I say.
My uncle then goes back into the trailer once he finishes his cigarette and I stay out here for a bit longer.

It's now after dinner my uncle is getting ready to head out for work and im just leaning up the dishes.

"I'll see you tomorrow Eddie." He says walking out the door.
"See yeah." I say finishing up the plates and setting then off to the side to dry.

I have no clue what I wanna do tonight, I wish I had band practice or something so I decided I'll just play my guitar for a while. I head to my room and grab the guitar off the wall and take a set on my bed. I start playing random notes till I hear something I like. My thoughts start to drift to Jade and how much she means to me and it inspires me to write something for her. I grab a pen and notebook and place it in front me and start to play, writing down what I like and trying to put the song together. After being lost in playing and writing for a while I notice it's dark outside. Shit I was working on this for a few hours. Just then I hear a knock on my door. Who would be here now I wasn't expecting anyone. I put my guitar down on my bed and head to the door. When I open it up I see Paul, Jason and Derrick standing there.

"What the fuck do you want?" I say
"Just to chat." Paul says.
I roll my eyes "I don't have anything to say to a prick like you." I tell him and go to shut my door but Paul grabs the door with one hand and and uses the other to pull me out by my jacket. I swing a fist at him landing it on the side of his face and he lets me go and I stumble back. Then Jason and Derrick are at my side and Paul moves in front of me.
"Not much of a fair fight." I say looking at him.
"We're not looking to be fair, just to send Jade and her friends a little message."

Just then Derrick punches me on the side of the face and Paul hits me in my stomach. I fall to the ground where all 3 of them start to kick and punch me. I try to fight back but there is nothing I can do with 3 of them on me so I try to protect my face the best I can.

When they finally stop hitting me my whole body hurts and my nose and lip are bleeding. It's abit hard to breath in and I wonder if they broke a rib or 2. I then see Paul lean down close to me.

Jaded affection / Eddie MunsonWhere stories live. Discover now