51. A Visit To Mom

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After crying tears of joy my phone goes off again about 20 minutes after I had hung up with the doctor . This time I answer it.

"Hello this is Jade."
"Jade honey did the hospital call you." My grandma asks.
"Yes they did and yes I know."
"Oh good, will meet you over there in 2 hours." I can hear the relief in her voice and it makes me smile.
"Ok, Eddie and I will be there."
"Ok see you soon." She says and hangs up the phone.

"What are we going to do for 2 hours." I say after I hang up the phone.
"Well we can continue to watch tv or we could go for a drive."
"I dont think I could watch anything right now I couldn't pay attention."
"Then a drive it is, do you want to change or are you good with what you have on?"

I look down at myslef. I had put some biker shorts on and a black crop top on.

"Let me grab some jean shorts and we can go."

I run to my room pulling the shorts off and grabbing a pair of jean shorts and pull them on fast. I grab my small bag and keys and then run back up the stairs. I toss the car keys to Eddie.

"You're driving my car, we can put the top down."
He smiles at me and we head out the door.


While we drive Eddie decides to blast some music and I don't mind, our music taste is the same anyway and I'm kinda stuck in my own head at the moment. Im excited and nervous all at the same time. I can't believe my mom is finally awake. All I want to do is see her and hug her. My stomach is in not's and my anxiety is high. I pull a cigarette out and light it hoping this will calm me down. I look over to Eddie and see him singing alone to the Metallica song thats on and taping the steering wheel with his fingers. Some of his hair is blowing around even though both of us made sure to tie our hair back since we put the top down on the car.

Eddie's glances over at me and catches me starring at him. I blush and he smiles. He reachers over and  turns the radio off.

"You doing ok?"
"Yeah, just nervous and excited so its making me feel a little sick."
"I understand, so we have around an hour now left would you like to stop for any food?"
"Maybe a soda I don't think I can eat anything right now."
"Ok ill stop at the next gas station, you also need some gas in the car so we can do that to."
"As long as you take my money to pay, I dont want you waisting all your money."
"Alright , alright." He says shaking his head.

It doesn't take long to get to the next gas station. Eddie gets out and goes to fill up the tank and I had him some money.
"Want anything from inside ?" I ask him.
"Just a coke."
"Ok, ill be right back."

I head inside and grab us each a drink then pay for them and head back to the car. As soon as im back into the car Eddie goes inside to pay for the gas and then were back on the road. We decided to just head to the hospital now and we can wait in the car till we can go in. Eddie pulls into the parking lot and shuts the car off.

"Only 30 more minutes and we can head in." He says.
"I feel like its taking forever." I say leaning back in my seat. Eddie reaches over and places a hand on my thigh.
"I know, will be in there soon."
"I want you to come in with me. Like into the room with my mom."
"Are you sure? I figured you would want to go in with your grandparents."

I sit back up and look at him.

"Without you I dont know if I would of made it through all of this. You have kept me going, getting my mind off things, getting my friends together and dealing will my nightmares and flash backs and panic attacks. You have been here for me this whole time Eddie. I want my mom to know that you have keep me going." I tell him my eyes tearing up a bit.

Jaded affection / Eddie MunsonWhere stories live. Discover now