54. Prom

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I feel fingers brushing up and down my arm and slowly I open my eyes. My head is resting on Eddies chest so I look up and see him staring down at me.
"Morning princess." He says giving me a big smile.
"Morning Dungeon Master."
I see Eddie's eyes flash in excitement when I say this to him.
"Mmmmmm I think you need to be careful what you say there sweetheart, you know how much I love hearing you call me that." He says squeezes my arm a bit.
I laugh. "I know, I'm sorry, I just couldn't help myself."

I sit up and give him kiss. Eddie pulls me down and moves me on top of him his hands going to my waist. I pull backs from the kiss and glance down at him.

"Sorry lover boy, we have a lot to do or at least I do since today is prom."
Eddie groans. "You started it." He say's pouting.
"Ill make it up to you after prom."
Eddie's eyes light up. "Im holding you to that."
"I hope you do." I say and get up. "Im going to shower."
"Ok ill wait and take one after you because I don't trust myself to shower with you right now."

I laugh and shake my head then walk into my bathroom and shut the the door behind me. I linger in the shower a bit longer then I normally do and decided I should probably get out so Eddie can get in. I wrap myslef and my hair in a towle and then brush my teethg.

When I turn the sink off I can hear music coming from my room, it sounds like Eddie is playing his guitar. The song also sounds familiar. I open the bathroom door and see Eddie standing up with his guitar in hand just jamming out. Finally it clicks.

"Oh shit." I say.
Eddie stops playing and looks over to me, I can see his cheeks go a little red.
"Sorry I was just practicing."
"No Ed its fine I just realized what song you were playing." I say smiling.
"Oh yeah."
"Master Of Puppets. How long have you been practicing that? Ive never heard you play it."
"A little while now, I would do it more while you went to go see your mom and I would stay here. I think I almost have it all down now."
"Well you are goin got have to play the whole thing for me soon."
He smiles. "Anything for you Princess." He sets his guitar down, turns the amp off and walks over to me, gently placing his hands on my cheeks and kisses me. It was soft and sweet.
"Go take your shower." I say patting him on the chest.
He takes my hand and spins me around then smacks my ass.
"ED." I shout totally caught off guard.
Laughing he say "im going." He walks into the bathroom and shuts the door.

I get myself into some comfy cloths for now, everyone will be meeting here to get ready at 12. We're doing dinner at 5 so I was hoping it would give us girls time to get our makeup and hair done. The guys will probably just hangout upstairs . Nancy and Steve will be coming by, Nancy wanted to help with hair and Steve just wanted to hangout with Dan and Eddie. The three of them have definitely been getting pretty close.

I go upstairs to make me and Eddie some coffee and check the time seeing its 10am. Only 2 hours till people start to get here and I cant wait. I grab a mug for Eddie and I and wait for the coffee to get done. Right as im done poring a cup for myself Eddie comes up the stairs.
"Coffee is ready." I say then hand him the cup I just pored and pore myself a new cup.
"Want to sit outside and have a cigarette?" He asks

Eddie grabs his smokes and we both go out to the back door and sit on the patio. He pulls 2 cigarettes from the box and lights one then hands it to me.

"Thank you." I say taking it
"So do I get to see your dress now?"
"Not till we are all done getting ready. Us girl will be in my room so that means you guys can get ready upstairs."
"Fine." He say a little disappointed.
"Oh, my grandparents are coming by to get photos at like 4 I think. My mom asked for one of both of us."
"She's taking way better now."
"Yeah almost normal, but shes still having memory problems and can't give Officer Barker more information on the car that ran her off the road."
Eddie leans over and pats my thigh.
"Maybe soon, dont worry. But today is a day for fun and you know your mom wouldn't want you to worry yourself to much about her. She's wants you to have fun." He says and smiles at me.

Jaded affection / Eddie MunsonWhere stories live. Discover now