72. Corroded Coffin's New Lead Singer

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TW SMUT right at the beginning

I wake up to feeling Eddie trailing his fingers down my arm I let out a sigh and turn over to look at him.
"Good morning."  I smile at him.
"Morning beautiful." He says planting a gentle kiss on my lips.

I smile up at him again and take the time to just look him over. His beautiful long curly hair is a mess this morning looking almost like a lions main on his head. I reach up and twirl a strand of his curls around in my finger and look into his beautiful chocolate brown eyes, his eyes are locked on mine filled with tenderness and love.

He runs his finger tips down my arm and rest his hand on my waist his cold rings digging into my side a bit causing me to let out a small sigh. I see Eddie smile at me then lowers his head and presses his lips against mine, His lips are soft and warm and so inviting.

I wrap my arms around his neck as we continue to kiss and he moves himself over me placing a knee between my legs and one hand on my hip the other placed on my cheek. He runs his tong over my bottom lip and I open my mouth up for him inviting him in. Our kiss heats up as out lips move in-sink with each other and we can't get enough. Eddie shifts  moving his knee away then slowly lowers himself down on me and presses his lower half against mine. I moan into our kiss and pull his face closer to mine. Eddie lets out a low growl and I buck my hips up into him, this time he lets out a moan and pulls his face back to look at me.

"Your so beautiful." He says caressing my cheek softly.
I blush breathing a little move heavily, He smiles and removes his hand form my cheek and sits up a bit. He grabs the hem of my shirt and lifts it off of me exsposing my breast to the coolness of the room.
"So beautiful." He says again looking me over.
He lowers his head planting a kiss in between my breast, my breath hitches then he kisses over to my right breast flicking his tong over my nipple. I suck in a breath and his other hand grabs my other nipple and lightly pinched it between his fingers.
"Fuck." I say as my breathing starts to pick up again. He pulls my nipple into his mouth sucking and licking it as his hand plays with my other one. He then pressing his hard erection into me again and I gasp.
"Eddie." I rasp out.
He pulls his lips away from my nipple and looks down at me. "Yes princess?"
"I need you." I whisper.

His eyes darken filling with desire and a smile creeps onto his face. He sits up all the way and pulls my panties off throwing them to the floor then pulls his boxers off. Reaching over to the night stand he grabs a condom and tears it open then slides it down over himself. He comes back to me spreading my legs wide apart and lining himself up to my entrance. My chest rises and falls in anticipation of feeling him inside me. He presses his tip againt me and uses his hand to rub it up and down my slick folds.

"God your already so wet." He groans out.
"Only for you baby." I say keeping my eyes locked on his.

Slowly he begins to push himself into me. Both of us letting a moan out. When hes only halfway in he starts to move himself back out of me then back in slowly trying to stretch me out to get himself completely inside. I start to rock my hips with him till he's completely inside me.

"Fuck." Eddie cries out as he stills letting me adjust to his size.

Finally he begins to move himself in and out of me a bit faster making me moan. My insides heat up and my skin feels hot to the touch. I grip his back digging my nails into him making him moan out throwing his head back then looking back down at me he starts to thrust harder and faster.

I hear him grunting every now and the nose turning me on even more making me moan and squirm underneath him. He lifts himself up a little and grabs my legs placing them on his shoulders deepening the angel the. thrusts into me hard over and over again hitting my Gspot making the knot start to form inside me.
"SHIT." I scream

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