59. Stay With Me

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As i said at the end of the last chapter the next 2 chapters will be in Eddies point of view.


"Hey I need to go to work early im sorry Eddie." My uncle tells me.
"Its ok im sorry I haven't been by to much."
"No worries, you call me when you can. Im happy when I get to hear from you. I know things are tuff for Jade right now and im glad you both have each other to look to. Im really proud of you." He says patting me on the back.
"Ill stop by more I promise."
He smiles at me. "You and Jade."

We leave the trailer and both get into our own cars. I wave to him and he drives off. I look down at my watch and its 8pm so ill be back sooner then what I told Jade. I light a cigarette and turn my van on and head back to Jades house. As I'm driving I decided I want to stop for some flowers since she's seamed so off today. I make a stop at a store real quick and get some lilies one of Jades favorite flowers then go to her house.

When I pull up to her house I see its all dark, did she stay in her room this whole time. I hope shes ok. I put my van in park and head inside with the flowers in my hand. The kitchen light is on but shes not in here. I head down the stairs and when I turn the corner I see Jade laying on the ground.

"JADE!" I shout and run over to her dropping the flowers to the floor. I grab her and turn her over.
"Jade baby please wake up." I say patting her face. I notice her lips look pail. Fuck. I start to feel for a pulse at her neck at first I cant feel anything and I start to panic but finally I can feel the light beat of her heart. Its faint but its there. I run to her room my eyes stinging with tears trying to find her phone. I see it on the floor grab it and quickly dial 911.

I tell them I need an ambulance right away and how I found my girlfriend in her hallway unresponsive. The lady says there are on there way and asks if she's breathing. I tell her it's very faint and how her lips are pail. She tells to make sure shes laying on her back and to tilt her chin up and I tell her she's already on her back but then move her chin up like she told me. She's asks if I know what has happend and I tell her I have no clue since I was with my uncle for dinner and I just got back finding her like this. The lady tries to calm me down but im starting to cry and just cant stay on the phone anymore. She says the ambulance will be there very soon so I hang up. What did Jade do? I start to look around her room the go into the bathroom and see a prescription bottle open and pills everywhere. I pick the bottle up and see its her sleeping pills. Fuck did she really take this? How many did she take? I put the bottle in my coat pocket and run back to her. I dont know what to do. My mind is racing and tears are falling down my face. I decided I should make sure shes still breathing. I can see her chest move a little here and there but nothing like it should be. Im so scared her heart is going to complete stop. I cant lose her, what the fuck! I shouldn't have left her alone. I knew something was wrong yet I still left. I start to cry more and pull her close to me placing her head on my lap just waiting for the paramedics to get here.

Finally after what seamed like forever I hear the upstairs door open and here the cops and paramedics shout.
"IN THE BASEMENT." I yell as loud as I can.

I hear running upstairs then hear them coming down the stairs and they rush over to me.
"We need you to step aside son." One of them tells me.
I get up and they move around her. I watch as the check for a pulse and start grabbing things out of there bags. I see Officer Barker next to me and I turn and look at him.

"What happened?"
"Im not sure I came back here and found her like this." I say whipping my face on my sleeve.
He looks over to Jade then back to me.
"She's still breathing and has a pulse but its very faint." One of the paramedics tells him.
I pull the bottle out of my pocket and hand it to officer Barker. "I found this in her bathroom and some pills spilt out around it."
He looks down and reads what the bottle says. His eyes go wide then quickly he hands it to the nearest paramedic.
"We need to get here to the hospital right away." He says.

Jaded affection / Eddie MunsonWhere stories live. Discover now