31. Back in my arms

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TW violence mentions of blood and smut.

I quickly run over to Eddie who's laying on the ground covered in blood.
"Eddie, no." I say grabbing him and crying.
"I love you Jade." He gargles as he's chocking on his own blood.
"No please I can't lose you." I cry .
I then hear Paul's voice coming from behind me. I turn around and he's holding a gun.
"Why." I scream
"Because you're mine and always will be." He says grabbing me by my arm and pulling me away from Eddie.

I see Eddie slowly reach his hand out to me, I don't want to leave him.
"Let me go." I scream at Paul trying to pull away from him, I almost slip my arm out of his hand but he's able to grab it even tighter.
"Never." He says getting in my face. He then points the gun back at Eddie and gives an evil smile. I watch helpless as he pulls the trigger.

I shoot up from my bed breathing heavily my heart thumping hard against my chest and I put my hands to my face and start to cry. Of corse I'd have a nightmare like this. Something I definitely fear could happen or something along those lines. I pull my hands away from my face trying to whipe the tears away and tell myself It was only a dream it wasn't real. I look at the clock seeing it's 6:34 am, to early but I pull myself out of bed and decide to get in the shower.

After getting out of the shower I go grab some cloths for school, I pick out some shorts and a purple low cut short sleeve crop top . I grab a chocker and some bracelets then apply a little bit of makeup and quickly dry my hair leaving it down. I head upstairs and remembered I'm all alone, my mom is in the hospital. I take a deep breath in not wanting to cry and I go make some coffee and toast. I sit at the table and eat my toast and drink the coffee trying my best to wake up more, I'm still so tired. It's now 740 so I grab my school bag and keys and head out the door to my car and drive to school.

When I park I look over to the school and my stomach turns dread filling me up inside. I'm so nervous about today that I just want to turn around and go home, but I can't. I open up my glove compartment and place my knife in there not wanting to bring it in the school, but wanting to make sure it's at least close by. I'm pulled from my thoughts by a light nocking on my window. I turn my head and see Robin there. I smile grabbing my bag and get out of my car.

"You doing ok." She asks me.
"Yeah as good as I can be." I say.
She hugs me and we walk into school together. I go to my locker, grab my books and head to my first class. I was thinking about at least ditching my first period but I want to send a messed to Paul that I wasn't scared of him and I can stand up for my self, even though I was a bit  scared but I didn't want to show it. I will not let him push me around or intimidate me. I get to my class and see Paul in his chair, holding my head up I walk past him and take my seat. Paul turns his head towards me.

"How's dear old Eddie doing?" He says with a grin on his face.
"Better then you will be if you don't leave me alone. Your lucky he didn't turn you and your stupid friends in."
He narrows his eyes at me.
"Yeah will see, and my dad would have gotten me out of that anyway." He says with a smirk.
I roll my eyes . I'm so tired of him a part of me is still scared of him but I'm not going to back down and let him win, not this time. If he does anything to my friends again fuck it I'll go to the cops and get his ass in jail it's where he belongs anyway.

I barely listen to the teacher in this class as I can't concentrate and soon the bell rings. I collect my things and walk out of the class to see Max waiting for me. I smile at her and we walk down the hall together.

"How's it going?" I ask her.
"So far so good." She tells me. "How are you holding up?"
"I'm alright just trying to get through the day." I tell her.
"Im here if you need anything ok."
"Thank you." I say with a smile.
"I'll see you at lunch."
"See you then."

Jaded affection / Eddie MunsonWhere stories live. Discover now