64. Recovery

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TW: SMUT at the end of the chapter.


"Eddie stop." I say laughing jentley backing from our kiss.
"But I know you like ." He says with a big smile on his face.
"Of corse I do, but we need to finish up in the shower and get ready for school."
"It could be quick."
"As tempting as that is I prefer to have a longer time with you,." I say with a wink.
Eddie pouts at me. "Your no fun." He says
"I gently pat his chest, "I know but its more fun that way.
"Not for me."

I shake my head and we both finish up in the shower and dry off then head into my room to get some cloths on. I pull out some cute red underwear and a matching bra, then I grab a short black skirt and my fitted Ledzeplin 1975 us tour shirt a leather jacket and black converse. I put some mascara blush and eyeliner on then skip the lipstick and Blow dry my hair a bit and leave it down. Eddie  throws  on an Iron Maiden shirt blue jeans and his white Reebok sneakers, leather jacket and jean vest. We head upstairs both of us grabbing a pop tart to eat then grab our bags and go to my car. Today I decided ill be the one driving. As were are driving to school I noticed Eddie looking over at me.

"What are you starting at Munson?"
"I love the way you handed that stick." He says in a sexy deep voice. It sends a shiver down my spine. I glance over at him and crack a smile then look back to the road.
"Of corse you do. Im sure you just imagining me handing your stick."
I hear a low growl come from him.
"Sweetheart you are making this hard."
"I know." I chuckle
Eddie laughs. "I didnt mean it that way but I guess I walk into that didn't I."

I laugh and pull into the school parking lot and find a place to park the car. When I turn the engine off I throw my set belt off then reach over and grab Eddie by his shirt smacking my lips into his. I catch him off guard but soon he places his hands on my face and kisses me back. I slide my tongue into his mouth as his slides into mine, our tongues battle for dominance and Eddie ends up winning. He fists some of my hair and quickly pulls my head to the side deepening the kiss right away. My heart is racing and my body is aching for him.

I slide my hand down and palm his bulge through his jeans. He lets out a moan that's muffled by our kiss and then there is a nock on my window. Shit. Eddie and I brake apart and I look over to the window and see Monica waving with a huge smile on her face. I roll my eyes and turn to Eddie.

"Your such a naughty girl." He says trying to adjust himself.
We both laugh and grab our bags and exit my car. I see that both Monica and Dan have huge smiles on their face. I can feel my own face start to turn red. Eddie walks around the car and puts his arm around me.

"What's up guys." He says in a very chill voice.
"Not a whole lot." Dan says still smiling.
"Oh my god guys, come on lets go in." I say shaking my head and pulling Eddie along with me.
They all laugh then fallow us into the school.
"How was your Sunday?" Monica asks as we enter the building.
"Good I went and saw my mom, shes doing so much better. We're going to see her after school today. The doctor is going to go over a few things with us. Letting us know hows she doing and what she will need to be doing and all that stuff."
"Aww Jade thats so wonderful. Do you thinks she will be able to get out soon?"
"Im not sure, maybe not super soon but I am hopeful she will only need to be there for maybe a few weeks but idk really. I just want her to be able to see me graduate you know." I say getting to my locker and getting it open.
"Dont be thinking about that everything will work out, just need to stay positive and I know thats hard but im here for you ok."
"Thank you." I say pulling my books out and shutting my locker.
"So what are you guys talking about?" Monica asks turning to the guys.
"Talking about setting up a day for band practice but we can't finalize anything till lunch." Dan say
"What days are you thinking?" I ask
"Tuesday or Thursday but will see." Eddie says
"Ok well were going to head to class so will see you guys later." Monica says then grabs Dan hand and walks away.
"Guess we should head to class to." I say turning to Eddie.
"Come on ill walk you to your class." He says taking a hold of my hand and giving me a smile.

Jaded affection / Eddie MunsonWhere stories live. Discover now