67. The Rescue

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TW: attempted Rape Violence and mentions of blood.

Eddie POV

Jade leaves to go to the bathroom and I watch as she makes her way through the crowd. Her ass looks so dam good in that skirt. I look back to Dan and Steve and start to talk again. Monica and Nancy have moved across the kitchen to ware Vicky and Robin are so its just us guys now.

"So your in the band now?" Steve says looking at Dan
"Yeah, they all said I make a good fit."
"He really does." I hear Gareth says.
We turn and see him walking towards us.
"Hey man im glad you made out." I say
"Ware are the other guys?" Dan asks
"Outside I came back in for a beer."
"Hey Gareth, hows it going ?" Steve says shaking his hand.
"Good, thanks for the invite by the way. Never thought id be at one of your party's."
"Yeah old Harrington was a dick." Steve says with a laugh.
We laugh with him.
"Well were all happy with the new Harrington hes a lot cooler." Dan says
"I like him better to." Steve says

We chat for a while longer when I realize its been a while since Jade left to use the bathroom and I start to wonder if she maybe stoped to talk to someone she knew. I turn around and start to scan the crowd when I see Jason making his way through the crowd and over to us.

"Oh for fuck sake." I say
"What's up." Steve says looking confused.
Him Dan and Gareth all look to ware im looking and they see him to.
"What the hell are you doing here?" Steve says approaching him.
Jason holds his hands up in surrender. "Hold up please." He says
"Why, I mean why are you even here?" I say
"Look you need to get Jade like now." He says about out of breath
"What?" Gareth says
"Yeah what are....." I trail off. "Fuck!" I say
"What?" Dan says looking at me.
"Is Paul here?" I ask Jason
He shakes his head, Steve grabs Jason by the shirt and pulls him close cocking his fist back.
"Ware are they?" He says
"He has Jade trapped in a room upstairs, Derrick is on guard. Please I know I've been a dick and all im sorry for everything. Paul is crazy and I know hes going to hurt her, you guys need to get to her now." Jason pleads with us.

We all look at each other panic spikes in all of us. Steve lets Jason go but I punch him in the stomach and then we all push through everyone yelling at them to move and get out of our way as we head to the stairs. We all run up the stairs and see Derrick close to a closed door. He turns and locks eyes with me. I can feel the rage take me over and we all rush over to him before he can really react to us I shove him into the wall and punch him in the face and he falls to the ground throwing his hands up to his face. Steve goes for the door but its locked.

"Ill get it open." He says and runs into the bathroom right next to us.
Gareth and Dan come up to me and we all look down at Derrick.
"Fucking prick." Dan says and kicks him in the ribs.
"Stay the fuck down if you know whats good for you." I spit at him.

I see Steve come back from the bathroom and watch him push something into the knob of the door. We hear a click and shove the door open.

When I see whats going on my vision goes red and my Rage finally bubbles over like never before. I see Paul laying over Jade on the bed. Her legs are spread apart and his hand was moving up her thigh. He snaps his head back and sees the 4 of us standing there and for the first time ever I see real fear in his eyes. I storm into the room as he tries to get off the bed. I grab him by the shirt and yank him off the bed. He falls to the floor but gets back up pretty fast.

"You're fucking DEAD!" I shout and quickly throw a punch landing it in the middle of his face.

Dan is now on the other side of him and he swings at him landing his punch in Pauls gut. Paul doubles over but kicks out nocking Dan to the floor. I grab Paul and throw him into the wall punching him again. Gareth comes up and lands a punch on the other side of his face blood sparying out of his mouth and nose. Paul swings a fist and it makes contact with my jaw sending me stumbling back. But now I see Steve in front of him landing more punches along with Dan and Gareth. I go to hit him again when I catch a glimpse of Jade on the bed and I notice she hasn't moved at all. I drop my fist and run over to the bed to check on here I know my friends are taking care of Paul so my attention needs to be on her now.

Jaded affection / Eddie MunsonWhere stories live. Discover now